56 HARDI® COMMANDER OPERATOR’S MANUALFAULTNo spray from boom whenturned on.Lack of pressure.Pressure dropping.Pressure increasingFormation of foam.Liquid leaks from bottomof pump.Liquid systemPROBABLE CAUSEAir leak on suction line.Air in system.Suction/pressure filtersclogged.Incorrect assembly.Pump valves blocked or worn.Defect pressure gauge.Filters clogging.Nozzles worn.Tank is air tight.Sucking air towards end oftank load.Pressure filters beginning toclog.Air is being sucked into sys-tem.Excessive liquid agitation.Damaged diaphragm.CONTROL/REMEDYCheck if suction filter O-ring is sealing.Check suction tube and fittings.Check tightness of pump diaphragm and valvecovers.Fill suction hose with water for initial prime.Clean filters.Check yellow suction pipe is not obstructed orplaced too near the tank bottom.Restrictor nozzle in Self-Cleaning Filter notfitted.Safety valve spring for Self-Cleaning Filter nottight.Too little distance between yellow suction pipeand tank bottom.Check for obstructions and wear.Check for dirt at inlet of gauge.Clean all filters. Fill with cleaner water.If using powders, make sure agitation is on.Check flow rate and replace nozzles if itexceeds 10%.Check vent is clear.Lower pump r.p.m.Clean all filters.Check tightness / gaskets / O-rings of allfittings on suction side.Reduce pump r/min.Check safety valve for Self-Cleaning Filter istight.Ensure returns inside tank are present.Use foam damping additive.Replace. See Changing of valves and dia-phragms.Troubleshooting