Installation and ConnectionsSystem InstallationAfter unpackingthe unit, and 31acingit on a solidsurfacecapableof supportingitsweight,you willneedto makethe connectionsto youraudioandvideoequipment.Audio Equipment ConnectionsWe recommend that you use high-quality inter-connect cables when making connections tosource equipment and recordersto preserve theintegrity of the signals.When makingconnectionsto audio sourceequipmentor speakersit isalwaysa good prac-tice to unplug the unit from the AC wall outlet. ohm adaptersuppliedwith the unit to makeThispreventsany possibilityof accidentallysendingaudio or transientsignalsto the speak- the connection.ers that may damagethem.1. Connectthe analogoutput of a CDplayertothe CD Inputs Q.6. Connect the supplied FM antenna to the FMAntenna (75 ohm) Connection O. The FMantenna may also be an external roof antenna,an inside powered or wire lead antenna or aconnection from a cableTV system. Note that ifspeaker.TheAVR 120isone of the first audioproductswith the latest CEA-recommendedcolor-codingfor speakerterminals.Accordingly,the positive(+) terminal,which was previouslyred,isnow a specificcolorto assistyou in mak-inc the correctconnections.If your speakershavecolor-codedconnections,matchthe termi-nal on the AVR 120to the like terminalon yourspeakers.Forexisting speakerswith a redtermi-nal for the positiveconnection,the connectionson the AVR120 areas follows:Left Front= White Ric_t Front= RedNOTE: When the CD player has both fixed andvariable audio outputs it is best to use the fixedoutput unless you find that the input to thereceiver is so low that the sound is noisy, or sohigh that the signal is distortecthe antennaor connectionuses300-ohmtwin- Center= Greenleadcable,you must usethe 300-ohm-to-75- Left Surround= Blue Richt Surround= Grey7. Connect the front, center and surroundSpeaker Outputs I_) _ to the respectivespeakers.Toensurethat all the audiosignalsarecarriedto yourspeakerswithout lossof clarity or reso-lution,we suggestthat you use high-qualityspeakercable.Many 3randsof cable areavail-able and the choiceof cable may 3e influencedbythe distancebetweenyour speakersand theNOTE:While mostspeakermanufacturersadhereto an industryconventionof using blackterminalsfor negativeand redonesfor positive,somemanufacturersmay varyfrom this config-uration.Toensureproper phaseandoptimalperformance,consultthe identificationplateonyour speakeror the speaker'smanualto verifypolarity. If you do not know the aolarityof yourspeaker,askyour dealerfor advice beforepro-ceeding,or consultthe speaker'smanufacture_We also recommendthat the length of cable2. Connectthe analog Play/Outjacksof a cas- receiver,the type of speakersyou use,personal usedto connect speakerpairs be identical.settedeck, MD,CD-Ror other audio recorderto preferencesand otherfactors.Yourdealeror For example,usethe samelength piece ofthe Tape Input Jacks_I. Connectthe analog nstalleris a valuableresourceto consultin cable to connect the front-left and front-rightRecord/Injackson the recorderto the Tape selectingthe proper cable, or surround-left and surround-right speakers,Output JacksO on the AVR120. even if the speakersare a different distanceRegardlessof the brandof cable selected,we from the AVR 120.3. Connectthe output of any digital sources recommendthat you usea cable constructedofto the appropriateinput connectionson the fine, multistrandcopperwith a gaugeof 14 or 8. Connectionsto a subwooferare normallyAVR120 rear panel. Note that the Optical smaller.Rememberthat in specifyingcable,theand Coaxial Digital Inputs _i'_"ti'_J may lowerthe number,the thickerthe usedwith a DolbyDigital or DTSsourceor Cablewith a gaugeof 16 may be usedfor shortthe output of a conventional CDor LD3layer'sPCM(S/P-DIF)output. Totake advantageof runsof lessthan ten feet. We do not recom-mendthat you usecableswith an AWGequiva-the AVR 120's built-in MP3-decodingcapabili-ties,you may also connect the digital output lentof 18 or higherdueto the power lossanddegradationin performancethat will occur.of a computer or sound cardto this input,providedthat the signalfrom the cornputeris Cablesthat are run insidewallsshouldhavethein the S/P-DIFformat. Checkyour computeror appropriatemarkingsto indicatelistingwith UL,madevia a line-leve audio connectionfrom theSubwoofer Output I_) to the line-levelinputof a subwooferwith a built-in amplifier.When apassivesubwooferis used,the connectionfirstgoesto a power amplifier,whichwill be con-nectedto one or moresubwooferspeakers.Ifyou are using a poweredsubwooferthat doesnot haveline-levelinput connections,follow theinstructionsfurnishedwith the speakerfor con-nection information.sound card's instructionsto verify the type ofoutput signal or use a transcodersuch astheHarmanKardon DAL150. walls shouldbe referredto your installeror a4. Connectthe Optical Digital Output O or licensedelectricalcontractorwho is familiarwith the NECand/orthe applicablelocalbuild-CoaxialDigital Output i_) on the rearpaneloftheAVR120to the matchingdigital inputconnec- ingcodesin your area.tionson a CD-Ror MiniDiscrecorder. Whenconnectingwires to the speakers,be cer-5. Assemblethe AM _oopAntennasupplied tain to observeproperpolarity. Remembertoconnectthe "negative" or "black" wire to thewith the unit as shown below. Connectit to theCSAor otherappropriatetestingagencystan- Video Equipment Connectionsdards.Questionsabout runningcablesinside Videoequipmentisconnectedin the sameman-ner asaudiocomponents.Again,the useof high-qualityinterconnectcablesisrecommendedtopreservesignalquality.1. Connecta VCR'saudio andvideo Play/Outjacksto the Video 1 Input Jacks_I_) onthe rearpanel.TheAudio andVideoRecord/Injacks on the VCRshouldbe connectedto theAM and GND Screw Terminals _ same terminal on both the receiver and the Video 1 Out Jacks _) on the AVR 120.14 INSTALLATIONAND CONNECTIONS