OperationSurround Mode Selection Surround Mode Indicators[] list on the output of the demodulatorto the the Opticalfront panel, or Coaxial Inputs _)_)i'l_Ji'l_ ofthe AVROne of the mostimportantfeaturesof the 120.No demodulatoris requiredfor usewithAVR120 is its abilityto reproducea full NOTE:The nameof eachSurround Mode will DVDplayersor DTS-encodedlaserdiscsmultichannelsurroundsoundfield from digital scroll acrossthe Main Information Displaysources,analog matrix surround-encoded [] while the modesare being selected.To DTSprogramsand standardstereoprograms.In all, avoid exiting from the surroundmodeselection DTSis another digital audiosystemthat isa total of fifteen listeningmodesareavailable process,be certainto pushthe • or • Button capableof delivering5.1 audio.Although bothon the AVR120. _Ii_I while a mode nameis still visible. DTSand DolbyDigitalare digital, they usedif-ferentmethodsof encodingthe signals,andSelectionof a surroundmodeis basedon per- Notethat the DolbyDigitaland ::)TSmodesmay thus they rec uiredifferent decodingcircuitstosonaltaste,as well asthe type of program only 3e selectedwhen a digital input is in use. convertthe digital signalsbackto analog.sourcematerialbeingused.:or example,"notion In addition,when a digital sourceis present,picturesor TVprogramsbearingthe logo of one the AVR 120will automaticallyselectanc DTS-encodedsoundtracksare availableonof the major surround-encodingprocesses,suchas DolbySurround,DTSStereoor UltraStereo® switchto the correctmode (DolbyDigitalor selectDVDand LDdiscs,aswell as on speciaDTS),regardlessof the modethat has been pre- audio-onlyDTSdiscs.Youmayuse any LDormay be playedin eitherthe DolbyDigital,Dolby viouslyselected.Formoreinformationon select- CDplayerequippedwith a digital output to_roLogicII or Logic7 Cinemasurroundmodes ingdigital sources,seethe following sectionof play DTS-encodeddiscswith the AVR120.Alldependingon the sourcematerial, this manual, that is requiredis to connectthe player'soutputNOTE:Oncea programhasbeenencodedwith To listento a programin traditionaltwo-channe] to eitherthe Optical or Coaxial input on thematrixsurroundinformation,it retainsthe sur- rearpanel_ or front panel i"l_']i'_lJ.roundinformationas long asthe programis stereo,using the front-left andfront-rightbroadcastin stereo.Thus,"novleswith surround speakersonly(plusthe subwooferif installed In order to listento DVDsencodedwith DTSsoundmaybe decodedviaany of the analog and configured),follow the instructionsshown soundtracks,the DVDplayermust be compati-surroundmodessuchas ProLogicII or Logic7, abovefor usingthe remoteuntil S URR OF F hie with the DTSsignal as indicatedby a DTSwhen they arebroadcastvia conventionalTV appearsinthe Main Information Display []. logo on the player'sfront panel. Notethat earlystations,cable,payTV andsatellitetransmission. Digital Audio Playback DVDplayersmay not be able to play DTS-n addition,a growing numberof made-for- encodedDVDs.Thisdoesnot indicatea prob-televisionprograms,sportsbroadcasts,radio Digitalaudiois a majoradvancementoverolder lem with the AVR120,as someplayerscannotdramasandmusicCDsarealsorecordedin analogmatrixsurroundsystems.It deliversfive passthe DTSsignal through to the digital out-surroundsound.Youmayview a list of these discretechannels:left-front,center,right-front, puts.If you are in doubt asto the capabilityofprogramsat the DolbyLaboratoriesWebsite left-surroundand right-surround.Eachchannel your DVDplayerto handleDTSdiscs,consultat www.dolby.com, reproducesfull frequencyrange(20Hzto 20kHz) the player'sowner's manual.Pleasenote that:_venwhen a programis not listedascarrying and offersdramaticallyimproveddynamicrange someDVDplayersareshippedwith their outputintentionalsurroundinformation,you mayfind and significantimprovementsto signal-to-noise setfor DolbyDigital only.To insurethat DTSthat the ProLogicII, Logic7, VMAxandthe ratios.Inaddition,digital systemshavethe capa- data is being sent to the AVR,pleasecheckthe-lall or Theatermodesoften deliverenveloping bilityto deliveran additionalchannelthat is setupmenu systemon your DVDplayertosurroundpresentationsthroughthe useof specificallydevotedto low-frequencyinformation, makecertainthat DTSdata output is enabled.the natura informationpresentinall stereo Thisis the ".1" channelreferredto when you see Selecting a Digital Sourcerecordings.However,for stereo,but not surround thesesystemsdescribedas "5.1". Thebasschan-programs,we suggestthat you experimentwith nelis seoaratefrom the otherchannels,but since Toutilize either digital mode you "nusthavethe othermodes, it is intentionallybandwidth-limited,sounc properlyconnecteda digital sourceto thedesignershavegivenit that uniquedesignation. AVR120.Connectthe digital outputsfrom DVDSurroundmodesare selectedusingeither the players,HDTVreceivers,satellitesystemsor CDfront panelcontrolsor the remote.Toselecta Dolby Digital playersto the Optical or Coaxial Inputssurrounc modefrom the front panel,pressthe DolbyDigital(originallyknown asAC-3_) is _i"l_Ji'_lJ. In orderto providea back_3 slg-Surround Mode Selector [] to scroll up or a standardpartof the DVDformat,and is also nal and a sourcefor analog stereorecording,down through the list of availablemodes.To partof the new digital broadcastingsystemand it the analogoutputs providedon digital sourceselecta surround"nodeusingthe remote,press isavailablewith manysatellitereceiversand equipmentshouldalso be connectedto theirthe Surround Mode Selectorli_) and then somedigital cableboxes,aswell aswith specially appropriateinputson the AVR120 rearpanelpressthe &IT ButtonsI[_)Ii_I to change encoded_Ddiscs. (e.g.,connectthe analog stereoaudio outputthe mode.As you pressthe buttons,the from a DVDto the DVD Audio Inputs O onSurroundmode namewill appearin the Main Notethat an o3tional,externalRFdemodulator the rearpanelwhen you connectthe source'sInformation Display [], and an individual is requiredto usethe AVR120to listento the digital outputs).mode indicatorwill also light up r£1r_ri_l-'=lr_ DolbyDigitalsoundtracksavailableon laser!_!!11.As the surroundmodeschange,a green discs.Connectthe _,Foutput of the LDplayerto Whenplayinga digital sourcesuchas DVD,first_EDwill light next to the currentmode in the the demodulatorand then connectthe digital selectthe input usingthe remoteor front panel23 OPERATION