Safety InformationImportant Safety InformationVerify LineVoltage Before UseYourAVR 120has beendesignedfor usewith120-voltAC current. Connectionto a linevolt-ageother than that for which it isintendedcan createa safetyand fire hazardand maydamagethe unit.If you haveanyquestionsaboutthe voltagerequirementsfor yourspecificmodel,or aboutthe linevoltage_nyourarea,contactyoursellingdealerbeforepluggingthe unit intoa wall outlet.Do Not Use Extension Cordspropergroundingand, in particular,specifies not occurm a particularinstallation, f thisthat the cable ground shallbe connectedto the equipmentdoescauseharmful interferencetogroundingsystemof the building, ascloseto radio or televisionreception,which can bethe point of cableentry as possible, determinecbyturning the equipmentoff andon, the useris encouragedto try to correcttheInstallation Location interferenceby oneor moreof the following• To ensureproper operationand to avoid the measures:potentialfor safetyhazards,placethe uniton a firm and levelsurface.When placingthe • Reorientor relocatethe receivingantenna.unit on a shelf,be certainthat the shelf anc • Increasethe separationbetweenthe equip-any mounting hardwarecan supportthe ment and receiver.weight of the product.• Makecertainthat properspaceis provided • Connectthe equipmentinto an outlet on acircuit different from that to which theboth above and 3elowthe unit for ventila- receiveris connected.Toavoid safetyhazards,useonly the power tion. If this productwill be installedin acabinetor other enclosedarea,makecertaincordattachedto your unit. We do not recom- that thereis sufficientair movementwithinmend that extensioncordsbe usedwith thisproduct.As with all electricaldevices,do not the cabinet.Undersomecircumstancesa fanmay be power cordsunderrugsor carpetsor placeheavyobjectson them. Damagedpower cords • Donot placethe unit directlyon a carpetedshouldbe replacedimmediatelyby an author- surface.izedservicedepot with a cord meetingfactoryspecifications.Handle the AC Power Cord GentlyWhendisconnectingthe power cordfrom anAC outlet, alwayspull the plug, neverpull thecord. If you do not intend to usethe unitforany considerablelength of time, disconnecttheplug from the AC outlet.Do Not Open the CabinetThereare no user-serviceablecomponentsinsidethis product.Openingthe cabinet maypresenta shockhazard,and any modificationto the productwill void your guarantee.If wateror any metal objectsuchasa aaperclip,wire• Consult the dealer or an experiencedradio/TV technician for help.Thisdevicecomplieswith Part 15 of the FCCRules.Operationis subjectto the following twoconditions:(1) this devicemay not causeharm-fu, interference,and I2) this device mustaccept• Avoid installationin extremelyhot or cold interferencereceived,includinginterferencelocations,or an areathat is exposedto direct that maycauseundesiredoperation.sunlightor heatingequipment. NOTE:Changesor modificationsmaycause• Avoid moist or humid locations, this unit to fail to complywith Part 15 of the• Donot obstructthe ventilation slots on the FCCRulesand mayvoid the user'sauthoritytotop of the unit, or place objectsdirectly operatethe equipmentover them.CleaningWhenthe unit gets dirty,wipe it with a clean,soft, dry cloth, f necessary,wipe it with a softcloth dampenedwith mild soapywater,then afreshclothwith cleanwater.Wipe dry immedi-UnpackingThecartonandshipping materialsusedto 3ro-tect yournew receiverduringshipmentwerespeciallydesignedto cushionit from shockandvibration.We suggestthat you savethe cartonatelywith a dry cloth. NEVERusebenzene, and packing'naterialsfor use in shippingif youaerosolcleaners,thinner,alcoholor anyother move,or shouldthe unit everneedrepair.CAW or Antenna GroundingIf an outside antenna or cable system is con-nected to this product, be certain that it isgrounded so as to provide some protectionagainst voltage surges and static charges,or a stapleaccidentallyfallsinsidethe unit, dis- volatilecleaningagent._)onot useabrasive Tominimizethe sizeof the cartonin storac,e,connectit from the AC powersourceimmedi- cleaners,asthey maydamagethe finishof metalately,and consultan authorizedservicestation, parts.Avoid sprayinginsecticidenearthe unit. you may wish to flatten it. Thisis done by care-fully slitting the tape seamson the bottomandMoving the Unit collapsingthe carton.Other cardboardinsertsBeforemovingthe unit, be certainto discon- may be storedin the samemanner.Packingnect any interconnectioncordswith other corn- materialsthat cannot be collapsedshouldbeponents,and makecertainthat you disconnect savedalongwith the carton in a plastic bag.the unit from the AC outlet.Section810 of the NationalElectricalCode,ANSI/NFPANo.70-1984, providesinformation Important Information for the Userwith respectto propergroundingof the mast Thisequipmenthasbeentested andfound toand supportingstructure,groundingof the lead- complywith the limitsfor a Class-Bdigitaldevice,pursuantto Part 15 of the wire to an antennadischargeunit, sizeofgroundingconductors,locationof antennadis- Thelimits aredesignedto providereasonablechargeunit, connectionto groundingelectrodes protectionagainstharmful interferencein aand requirementsof the groundingelectrode, residentialinstallation.This equipmentgener-ates,usesandcan radiateradio-frequencyenergyNOTETO CAW SYSTEMINSTALLER:This and, if not installedand usedin accordancereminderisprovidedto call the CATV(Cable with the instructions,may causeharmfulinter-TV)systeminstaller'sattentionto article820- ferenceto radiocommunication.However,there40 of the NECthat providesguidelinesfor is qo guaranteethat harmful interferencewillIf you do not wish to savethe packagingmate-rials,pleasenotethat the cartonand othersec-tions of the shippingprotection are recyclable.Pleaserespectthe environmentand discardthose materialsat a localrecyclingcenter.At this time you shouldremovethe protectiveplasticfilm from the front-panellens.Leavingthe film in place mayaffect the performanceofyour remotecontrol.4 SAFETYINFORMATION