System ConfigurationYou are now ready to power up the AVR 120 tobegin these final adjustments.1. Plugthe Power Cord i_) into anunswitchedAC outlet.2. Pressthe Main Power Switch [] in untilit latchesandthe word "OFF" on the topof the switchdisappearsinsidethe frontpanel. Notethat the Power Indicator []will turn amber,indicatingthat the unit isin the Standbymode.3. Removethe protectiveplasticfilm from thefront-panellens.If left in place,the filmmay affectthe performanceof yourremotecontrol.4. Installthe three suppliedAAA batteriesinthe remoteas shown.Becertain to followthe (+) and (-) polarity indicatorsthat areon the bottom of the batterycompartment.5.Turnthe AVR120on either bypressingtheSystemPower Control [] on the frontpanel,or viathe remotebypressingtheAVR Selector O or any of the InputSelectors OO on the remote.ThePower Indicator [] will turn greentoconfirmthat the unitison, andthe MainInformation Display[] will alsolight up.System SetupTheAVR 120featuresan advancedmemorysystemthat enablesyou to establishdifferentconfigurationsfor the bassmanagement,digitalinput, surroundmode,delaytimes and outputlevelsfor eachinput source.Thisflexibilityenablesyou to custom-tailorthe wayin whichyou listen to eachsourceand havethe AVR120memorizethose settings.Thismeans,for exam-ple,that you may usedifferent output levelsortrimsfor different sources,or set differentspeakerconfigurationswith the resultantchangesto the bassmanagementsystem.Oncethesesettingsare made,they will automaticallybe recalledwheneveryou selectthat input.Thefactory default settingsfor the AVR120haveall inputsconfiguredfor an analog source(exceptfor the DVDinput,which has theCoaxial Digital Input 1 _ asthe default),Stereoasthe surroundmode,all speakerpositionssetto "small," anda subwooferconnected.Beforeusingthe unit, you willprobablywant to changethe settingsfor mostinputs sothat they are properlyconfiguredtoreflect the useof digital or analog inputs,thetype of speakersinstalledand the surroundmode specifics.Rememberthat sincetheAVR120 memorizesthe settingsfor eachinputindividually,you will needto maketheseadjustmentsfor eachinput used.However,oncethey are made,further adjustmentisonly requiredwhen systemcomponentsarechanged.Onceyou havecompletedthe settingsfor thefirst input, manysettingsmay be duplicatedforthe remaininginputs.Rememberthat oncethesettingsare enteredfor one input,they mustbecompletedfor all other input sourcesin yoursystem.Speaker SetupTheseadjustmentstell the AVR120which typeof speakersare in use.Thisis importantas itadjuststhe settingsthat determinewhichspeakersreceivelow-frequency(bass)informa-tion. Foreachof thesesettingsusetheLARGE setting if the speakersfor a particularposition aretraditional full-rangeloudspeakersthat arecapableof reproducingsoundsbelowlOOHz.Usethe SMALL settingfor smaller,frequency-limitedsatellite speakersthat do notreproducesoundsbelow lOOHz.Notethatwhen "small" speakersare used,a subwooferis requiredto reproducelow-frequencysounds.Rememberthat the "large" and "small"descriptionsdo not refer to the actualphysicalsizeof the speakers,but to their ability toreproducelow-frequencysounds.If you are indoubt asto which categorydescribesyourspeakers,consultthe specificationsin thespeakers'owner'smanual,or ask yourdealer.With the AVR120 turned on, follow these stepsto configurethe speakers:1. PuttheAVR 120in the DolbyProLogic IImodeby pressingthe Surround ModeSelector [] on the front panelor by press-3,4.6,ing the Surround Mode Selector _ onthe remote,until PRO LOGIC IIappearsin the Main Information Display[] and the Pro Logic II Indicator []lights.Pressthe Speaker Select Button _ mon the remoteor front panel.ThewordsFNT SPEAKER will appear intheMain Information Display [].Pressthe Set Button qi_W.Pressthe A/V Buttons qi_tqi_i_on theremote or the Selector Buttons [] on thefront panel until either LARGE orSMALL appears,matchingthe type ofspeakersyou haveat the left-front and right-front positions,as describedbythe defini-tions shown in the precedingsection.When SMA L L is selected,low-frequencysoundswill be sentto the subwooferoutputonly. Notethat if you choosethis option,and there is no subwooferconnected,youwill not hear any low-frequencysoundsfromthe front channels.When LARGE is selected,a full-rangeout-put will be sentto the front-left andfront-right outputs,and NO low-frequencysignalswill be sent to the subwooferoutput.When you havecompletedyour selectionforthe front channel,pressthe Set Button_, and then pressthe A/V Buttonsli_)_ on the remoteor the SelectorButtons [] on the front panelto changethe displayto CEN SPEAKER.Pressthe Set Button li]_ _ again,andusethe A/V ButtonsI[_)_ on theremote,or the Selector Buttons[] on thefront panel,to selectthe option that bestdescribesyoursystembasedon the speakerdefinitions shown in the precedingsection.When CEN S MA L L is selected,low-fre-quencycenter-channelsoundswill be sent tothe subwooferoutput only. Notethat if youchoosethis option andthere is no sub-woofer connected,you will not hear anylow-frequencysoundsfrom the center-chan-nel speaker.When CEN LARGE is selected,a full-rangeoutput will be sent to the center-speakeroutput,and NOcenter-channelsig-nal will be sent to the subwooferoutput.17 SYSTEMCONFIGURATION