OperationTo listen to a program in traditional two-channel stereo, with only the front leftand right speakers plus the subwoofer, ifinstalled, press the Stereo button xon the remote or the Surround Offbutton Ô on the front panel.Dolby DigitalDolby Digital (also known as AC-3) is thelatest advancement in surround soundtechnology, delivering up to five full-range surround channels (left, center,right, left surround and right surround)plus a special dedicated Low-FrequencyEffects (LFE) channel. This represents amajor advancement over traditionalanalog surround in that each surroundchannel is fully discrete and capable offull bandwidth reproduction. DolbyDigital is available on DVD and LV discs,and it will be a part of the new high-definition television (HDTV) systemwhen digital broadcasting begins in late1998. Dolby Digital for the home is basedon the same system used to deliver digitalaudio sound tracks in movie theaters,enabling true cinema reproduction inyour home.To utilize the Dolby Digital mode youmust have a digital source properlyconnected to the AVR55. The RF digitaloutput of a laser disc player should beconnected to the AC-3 RF jack g on therear panel. Note that this jack is for useonly with the AC-3 RF output from an LVplayer and should not be connected toany other audio, video or digital device.Digital datastream outputs from DVDplayers, HDTV receivers and CD playersshould be connected to the AC-3/PCMOptical or Coaxial inputs ¶ f on therear panel. In order to provide a backupsignal and a source for recording, theanalog outputs provided on digital sourceequipment should also be connected totheir appropriate rear panel inputs(e.g., connect the analog stereo audiooutput from a DVD to the DVD inputs ‹on the rear panel when you connect thedigital outputs).Dolby Digital sources must be used inconjunction with one of the video relatedinputs: DVD, TV, Vid 1 or Vid 2. Make surethat the source is on and video is playingbefore selecting a digital audio source.Next, press the Digital Input button ıh that corresponds to the type of digitalinput used. A red LED will light above thedata type selected, and a message willscroll across the Information DisplayF to confirm your choice.Finally, press the AC-3/Dolby Digitalbutton z Û to select Dolby Digital.The mode name will briefly scrollin the Information Display F,and the Dolby Digital indicator Bwill illuminate.NOTE: If a Dolby Digital signal thatmatches the selected input type is not pre-sent, the red LED indicator above theDigital Input button ı will flash toremind you of the input error. Remember,with digital sources such as a DVD player,the data input stops when a disc is inPause or a Search mode. It is normal forthe light to flash in those conditions.Night ModeA special feature of Dolby Digital is theNight mode, which enables AC-3 inputsources to be played back with their fullrange while reducing the minimum peaklevel by 1/4 to 1/3 . This prevents abruptlyloud transitions from causing distur-bances without reducing the impact ofthe digital source. The Night mode isavailable only when AC-3 signals withspecial data are being played.To engage the Night mode, press theNight button ˆ f and note that theindicator will illuminate above theNight button on the front panel.IMPORTANT NOTES ONDOLBY DIGITAL PLAYBACK:1. The AVR55 will decode digital audiosources with a sampling frequency of32kHz, 44.1kHz and 48kHz. Althoughthis will enable it to decode virtually allDVD movies and HDTV sources, it is pos-sible that some digital sources may notbe compatible with the AVR55.2. The AVR55 will automatically detectmost Dolby Digital sources. It is possible,however, that future source equipmentthat could not be anticipated at this time,may require manual surround modeselection or analog playback.3. Note that not all programs recorded inDolby Digital contain full 5.1 channelaudio. Consult the program guide thataccompanies the DVD or Laser Disc todetermine which type of audio has beenrecorded on the disc. The AVR55 willautomatically sense the type of digitalsurround encoding used on an AC-3program source and adjust toaccommodate it.4. When a Dolby Digital source isplaying, you may not select one of theanalog surround modes.5. It is not possible to record the outputof a Dolby Digital program.27