Front Panel Information Display10DIGITAL HALLTHEATER STADIUM CHURCH SLEEPSOURCEVID 2DVDTVPRO LOGICVID 1 REC CONTOUR STEREO TUNED AUTO MEMORY PRESETT MON•3 STEREO-FM L K J I GHBA D ECA Vid 1 Record IndicatorsB Dolby Digital IndicatorC Analog Dolby Surround Mode IndicatorsD Analog Surround Mode IndicatorsE Sleep IndicatorF Main Information DisplayG Preset IndicatorH Memory IndicatorI Auto Mode In IndicatorJ Tuned IndicatorK T-Mon IndicatorL Stereo IndicatorM Contour IndicatorA Vid 1 Record Indicators: A dotappears next to one of the sourcesshown in this indicator to tell youwhich input has been selected asthe output to the device connectedto the Video 1 Out jacks ›. Pressthe Vid 1 Rec button & to changethe source.B Dolby Digital Indicator: Thisindicator illuminates when a DolbyDigital source has been selected.C Analog Dolby Surround ModeIndicators: These indicators illumi-nate when one of the analog (matrix)dolby Surround modes is in use.D Analog Surround ModeIndicators: These indicators illumi-nate when one of the DSP generatedanalog surround modes is in use.E Sleep Indicator: This indicator isilluminated when the Sleep functionis in use. The number that appearsabove the indicator is the number ofminutes remaining before the AVR55will return to the Standby mode.F Main Information Display: Thisdisplay shows messages relating tothe status, input source, surroundmode, tuner, volume level or otheraspects of unit’s operation.G Preset Indicator: This indicatorilluminates when one of the stationsentered into the preset memory istuned. The number that appearsbelow the indicator is the presetstation’s memory.H Memory Indicator: This flashesafter the Memo button 4 u hasbeen pressed to indicate that youhave five seconds to select andenter a preset memory location for aspecific radio station.I Auto Mode In Indicator: Thisindicator illuminates when the “Auto”mode is in use for FM tuning.J Tuned Indicator: This indicatorilluminates when a station is beingreceived with sufficient signalstrength to allow for acceptablelistening quality.K T-Mon Indicator: This indicatorilluminates when the Tape Monitorfunction is in use to remind you thatyou are listening to the record outputof the device connected to theTape 1 Record jacks ‚, not to theactual input source shown in theInformation Display.L Stereo Indicator: This indicatorilluminates when an FM station isbeing tuned in stereo.M Contour Indicator: This indicatorilluminates when the Contour circuitshave been engaged by pressing theContour button ¯.