13 MAIN REMOTE CONTROL FUNCTIONSw Preset Up/Down: When the tuner isin use, press these buttons to scroll through thestations programmed into the AVR 7000’smemory. When some source devices, such asCD players, VCRs and cassette decks, areselected using the Device Control Selectorscç, these buttons may function as chapterstep or track advance.x Tuning Up/Down: When the tuner is inuse, these buttons will tune up or down throughthe selected frequency band. If the Tuner Modebutton o@ has been pressed so that theAUTO indicator V is illuminated, pressing andholding either of the buttons for three secondswill cause the tuner to seek the next station withacceptable signal strength for quality reception.When the AUTO indicator V is NOT illuminat-ed, pressing these buttons will tune stations insingle-step increments. (See page 29 for moreinformation.)y Forward/Reverse Transport Buttons:These buttons do not have any functions forthe AVR, but they may be programmed for theforward/reverse play operation of a wide varietyof CD or DVD players, and audio or video-cassette recorders. (See page 34 for moreinformation on programming the remote.)z Night Mode: Press this button to activatethe Night mode. This mode is available in spe-cially encoded digital sources, and it preservesdialog (center channel) intelligibilty at low vol-ume levels.` Multi-Room: Press this button to activatethe Multiroom system or to begin the processof changing the input or volume level for thesecond zone. (See page 33 for more informationon the Multiroom system.)Delay/Prev Ch.: Press this button tobegin the process for setting the delay timesused by the AVR 7000 when processing sur-round sound. After pressing this button, thedelay times are entered by pressing the Setbutton i and then using the ⁄/¤ buttonsg to change the setting. Press the Set buttonagain to complete the process. (See page 20 formore information.)› Button: Press this button to change asetting or selection when configuring many of theAVR’s settings.Speaker Select: Press this buttonto begin the process of configuring theAVR 7000’s Bass Management System for usewith the type of speakers used in your system.Once the button has been pressed, use the⁄/¤ buttons g to select the channel youwish to set up. Press the Set button i andthen select another channel to configure.When all adjustments have been completed,press the Set button twice to exit the settingsand return to normal operation. (See page 22for more information.)Surround Mode Selector: Press thisbutton to begin the process of changingthe surround mode. After the button hasbeen pressed, use the ⁄/¤ buttons g toselect the desired surround mode. (See page 25for more information.) Note that this button isalso used to tune channels when the TV isselected using the Device ControlSelector . When the AVR 7000 remote isbeing programmed for the codes of anotherdevice, this button is also used in the “AutoSearch” process. (See page 34 for more infor-mation on programming the remote.)Volume Up/Down: Press these buttons toraise or lower the system volume.Sleep Button: Press this button to placethe unit in the Sleep mode. After the timeshown in the display, the AVR 7000 will auto-matically go into the Standby mode. Each pressof the button changes the time until turn-off inthe following order:Note that this button is also used to changechannels on your TV when the TV is selectedusing the Video Remote Selectors .When the AVR 7000 remote is being pro-grammed for the codes of another device, thisbutton is also used in the “Auto Search” process.(See page 34 for more information on program-ming the remote.)Video Remote Selectors: Press one ofthese buttons to use the remote to control thefunctions of the device shown on the button. (Formore information on programming the remote tooperate these devices, see pages 34–35.)NOTE: As any of these buttons is pressed, itwill briefly flash red to confirm your selection.IR Transmitter Window: Point this win-dow towards the AVR 7000 when pressing but-tons on the remote to make certain that infraredcommands are properly received.35343490min 80min 70min 60min 50min40min 30min 20min 10min OFF33323431302928Main Remote Control Functions