SYSTEM CONFIGURATION 23ENGLISH• More adjustment options may be accessed bypressing the Page Left/Right Buttons 8.When the full-OSD system is in use, the menuselections are not shown in the Upper or LowerDisplay Lines ˜ and OSD O N will appear inthe Upper Display Line ˜ to remind you thata video display must be used. When the semi-OSD system is used in conjunction with the dis-crete configuration buttons, the on-screen displaywill show the current menu selection. That selec-tion will also be shown in the Upper or LowerDisplay Lines ˜, depending on which param-eter is being adjusted.NOTE: Semi-OSD messages are not availablewhen a 720p or 1080i image is being viewed.System SetupThe AVR 745 features an advanced memory sys-tem that enables you to establish different confi-gurations for component video assignment, digi-tal input, surround mode for each input source.To ease the speaker setting, the same speakersetting can also be made for all inputs. This flexi-bility enables you to custom tailor the way inwhich you listen to each source and have theAVR memorize them. This means, for example,that you may associate different surround modesand analog or digital inputs with differentsources. Once these settings are made, they willautomatically be recalled whenever you selectthat input.To simplify initial configuration and operation,the AVR 745 has been preconfigured with inputsettings that are typical for home theatersystems. These settings are detailed in theworksheets in the Appendix. Before adjusting theinput settings, it is a good idea to compare yourinput connections to the defaults so that youmay see where changes need to be made.Before using the unit, you will probably want tochange the settings for some inputs so that theyare properly configured to reflect the use of digi-tal or analog inputs and the surround modeassociated with the input. Remember that sincethe AVR memorizes the settings for each inputindividually, you will need to make these adjust-ments for each input used. However, once theyare made, further adjustment is only requiredwhen system components are changed.To make this process as quick and as easy aspossible, we suggest that you use the full-OSDsystem with the on-screen menus, and stepthrough each input.In/Out SetupThe first step in configuring the AVR is to selectan input, i.e. to associate an analog or digitalinput with each input source in use, e.g. CD orDVD. Note that once an input is selected, all set-tings for the Digital Input, Speaker Configurationand Surround Mode will ”attach” themselves tothat input and be stored in a non-volatile memo-ry. This means that once made, the selection ofan input will automatically recall those settings.For that reason, the procedures described belowmust be repeated for each input source so thatyou have the opportunity to custom tailor eachsource to your specific listening requirements.However, once made they need not be changedagain unless you need to alter a setting.When using the full-OSD system to make thesetup adjustments, press the Menu Button Aor the OSD button E once so that theMASTER MENU (Figure 1) appears. Note thatthe ➞ cursor will be next to the IN/OUTSETUP line. Press the OK/Enter Button Eor the Set button Q to enter the menu and theIN/OUT SETUP menu (Figure 2) willappear on the screen. Press the ‹/› buttonsDF until the desired input name appears inthe highlighted video, as well as being indicatedin the front panel Input Indicators ˆ.Figure 2When one of the four Video inputs is selected asthe source, you have the option of renaming theinput as it appears in the on-screen and frontpanel messages. This is helpful if you have morethan one VCR, if you wish to associate a specificproduct brand name with the input, or to simplyenter any name that will help you to rememberwhich source is being selected.To change the input name, press the ⁄/¤Navigation Button DF on the remote sothat the ➞ cursor is pointing to TITLE. Next,press and hold the Set Button EQ for afew seconds until a flashing box appears to theright of the colon. Immediately release theOK/Enter Button E or the Set Button Q,as you are now ready to enter the device name.Press the ⁄/¤ Navigation Button DFand note that a complete set of alpha-numericcharacters will appear with the start of thealphabet in capital letters followed by the lower-case letters and then numbers and symbols.When you press the ¤ Navigation ButtonDF, a series of symbols and numbers willappear, followed by a reverse list of the alphabetin lower-case letters. Press the button either wayuntil the first letter of the desired name appears.If you wish to enter a blank space as the firstcharacter, press the › Navigation ButtonDF.When the desired character appears, press the ›Navigation Button DF and repeat theprocess for the next letter, and continue until thedesired name is entered, up to a maximum offourteen characters.Press the OK/Enter Button E or the Set but-ton Q to enter the input name into the systemmemory and to proceed with the configurationprocess.After entering the input title, press the ⁄/¤Navigation Button DF to move to thenext line.The audio input defaults for all sources exceptthe Tuner, USB and 6/8-Channel Direct inputs areshown in the table in the Appendix. If your sys-tem configuration follows the default table, nochanges are needed and you may press the⁄/¤ Navigation Button DF to move tothe next line.With the cursor pointing to AUDIO IN-PORT, press the ‹/› Navigation ButtonDF to change the default to a differentaudio input connection. When the name of thedesired input appears, press the ⁄/¤Navigation Button DF to move to thenext line.Note that in addition to using the menu systemto change the audio input, you may change it atany time with the TC 30 remote by followingthese steps:• Press the Devices Button 4.• When the images in the LCD change, press theScreen Button 6 at the top of the left sideof the remote, next to the screen message A VRECEIVER.• At the next screen, press the Screen Button6 to the left of the message SETUPMENU.* I N / O U T S E T U P *S O U R C E : V I D E O 1T I T L E :A U D I O I N - P O R T : A N A L O GA U D I O A U T O P O L L : O N O F FV I D E O I N - P O R T : A U T OC O M P O N E N T I N P U T : C O M P 1V I D E O P R O C E S S : F A R O U D J AA / V S Y N C D L A Y : 0 m SM A S T E R M E N U P A G E 2→→System Configuration29510_AVR745_Engelsk 30/10/06 9:31 Side 23