TUNER OPERATION 57ENGLISHTuner OperationTo change the remote room’s volume, whenMULTI LEVEL appears, press the OK/EnterButton E on the TC 30 or the Set ButtonQ on the ZR 10, and press the ⁄ / ¤ Naviga-tion Button DF to change the volume set-ting. Note that this volume adjustment controlsthe level for the output to the MultiroomAudio Outputs and for any speakers con-nected to the Surround Back/MultiroomSpeaker Outputs ' when the Surround Backamplifier channels are configured for Multiroomuse, as shown on page 55. This adjustment doesNOT change the volume level for any roomwhere an ABUS module is used, as that setting isonly adjustable using the A-BUS module’s vol-ume control or built-in IR sensor.Once the multiroom system is turned on, it willremain on even if the AVR is placed in theStandby mode in the main room by pressing thePower Off Button 0 or the System PowerControl 2 on the front panel.To turn the Multiroom system off from a remoteroom using the ZR 10 remote, press the PowerOff Button A. To turn the Multiroom systemoff from the remote room using the TC 30, pressthe Devices Button 4 on the TC 30 remoteand then press the Screen Button 6 next toAV Receiver. When the choices on the LCDScreen 7 change, press the Page Left/RightButtons 8 once and then press the ScreenButton 6 next to MULTI ROOM. Press theOK/Enter Button E and then the ⁄/¤Navigation Buttons DF.Basic Tuner OperationThe AVR’s tuner is capable of tuning AM, FM andFM Stereo broadcast stations and receiving RDSdata. Stations may be tuned manually, or theymay be stored as favorite station presets andrecalled from a 30 position memory.• From the front panel, press the Input AM/FMButton ! until the desired tuner frequencyband (AM, FM) appears. To change stationswithin a frequency band, press the TuningSelection ).• From the TC 30 remote, press the DevicesButton 4 and then press the ScreenButton 6 to the left of AUDIOINPUTS. When the next page of optionsappears on the LCD Screen 7, press theScreen Button 6 to the left of TUNER.The tuner will become the active input and theoptions on the LCD screen will become thoseneeded for tuner operation. Press the ScreenButton 6 next to any option to use it. Forexample, press the Screen Button 6 nextto FM-AM to change the frequency band. Totune up or down through the current frequencyband, press the Screen Button 6 next toTUNING U P or TUNING DOWN. Whenthe tuner is the active device on the TC 30, theChannel Up/Down buttons are used to changestation presets.• To activate the IR command set used forlistening to FM radio, press the ActivitiesButton 3 and then press the ScreenButton 6 to the right of LISTEN T OF M RADIO.• To select the tuner from the ZR 10 remote,press the Tuner Selector C.• To change the tuning mode, press the Tune-MButton O or the TC 30 Screen Button 6next to TUNE M.When the button is pressed so that AUTOappears in the Main Information Display ˜each press of the Tuning Selectors ) will putthe tuner in a scan mode that seeks the nexthigher or lower frequency station with accept-able signal strength. An AUTO S T TUNEDindication will momentarily appear when the sta-tion stops at a stereo FM station, and an AUTOTUNED indication will momentarily appearwhen an AM or monaural FM station is tuned.Press the Tuning buttons again to scan to thenext receivable station.When the button is pressed so that MANUALappears in the Main Information Display ˜each tap of the Selector will increased ordecrease the frequency by one increment. Whenthe tuner receives a strong enough signal foradequate reception, MANUAL TUNED willappear in the Main Information Display ˜.• Stations may also be tuned automatically or byentering the frequency. To enter a station’sfrequency directly, first select the AM or FMband as shown above. Next, press the DirectButton M or the Screen Button 6 nextto DIRECT. Within 5 seconds of whenDIRECT I N scrolls in the Upper DisplayLine ˜, enter the station frequency bypressing the Numeric Keys HG. Thedesired station will automatically be tunedafter the latest number is entered. If you pressan incorrect button while entering a directfrequency, press the Clear button L to startover.NOTE: When the FM reception of a stereo stati-on is weak, audio quality will be increased byswitching to Mono mode by pressing the TunerMode button I on the remote or holding theBand Selector O! on the front panel sothat MANUAL appears momentarily in theMain Information Display ˜ and then goesout.Preset TuningUsing the remote, up to 30 stations may bestored in the AVR’s memory for easy recall usingthe front panel controls or the remote.To enter a station into the memory, first tune thestation using the steps outlined above. Then:1. Press the Memory Button N on the ZR 10remote; the station’s frequency will flash or pressthe Screen Button 6 next to MEMORY.2. Within five seconds, press the NumericKeys GH corresponding to the locationwhere you wish to store this station’s frequency.Once entered, the preset number will appear inthe Main Information Display ˜.3. Repeat the process after tuning any additionalstations to be preset.Recalling Preset Stations• To manually select a station previously enteredin the preset memory, press the Numeric KeysGH that correspond to the desired station’smemory location.• To manually tune through the list of stored pre-set stations one by one, press the PresetStations Selector buttons # on the frontpanel. The Prev/Next Transport Controls Pon the ZR 10 remote, or the Channel Up/DownButtons G on the TC 30 remote control whenthe tuner is the active input device.29510_AVR745_Engelsk 30/10/06 9:32 Side 57