M24C64, M24C324/26SUMMARY DESCRIPTIONThese I2 C-compatible electrically erasable pro-grammable memory (EEPROM) devices are orga-nized as 8192 x 8 bits (M24C64) and 4096 x 8 bits(M24C32).Figure 2. Logic DiagramI2 C uses a two-wire serial interface, comprising abi-directional data line and a clock line. The devic-es carry a built-in 4-bit Device Type Identifier code(1010) in accordance with the I 2 C bus definition.The device behaves as a slave in the I 2 C protocol,with all memory operations synchronized by theserial clock. Read and Write operations are initiat-ed by a Start condition, generated by the bus mas-ter. The Start condition is followed by a DeviceSelect Code and Read/Write bit (RW) (as de-scribed in Table 3.), terminated by an acknowl-edge bit.When writing data to the memory, the device in-serts an acknowledge bit during the 9th bit time,following the bus master’s 8-bit transmission.When data is read by the bus master, the busmaster acknowledges the receipt of the data bytein the same way. Data transfers are terminated bya Stop condition after an Ack for Write, and after aNoAck for Read.Table 2. Signal NamesPower On Reset: V CC Lock-Out Write ProtectIn order to prevent data corruption and inadvertentWrite operations during Power-up, a Power OnReset (POR) circuit is included. At Power-up, theinternal reset is held active until V CC has reachedthe Power On Reset (POR) threshold voltage, andall operations are disabled – the device will not re-spond to any command. In the same way, whenVCC drops from the operating voltage, below thePower On Reset (POR) threshold voltage, all op-erations are disabled and the device will not re-spond to any command.A stable and valid VCC (as defined in Table 9. andTable 10.) must be applied before applying anylogic signal.Figure 3. DIP, SO, TSSOP and UFDFPNConnectionsNote: See PACKAGE MECHANICAL section for package dimen-sions, and how to identify pin-1.AI01844B3E0-E2 SDAVCCM24C64M24C32WCSCLVSSE0, E1, E2 Chip EnableSDA Serial DataSCL Serial ClockWC Write ControlV CC Supply VoltageV SS GroundSDAVSSSCLWCE1E0 VCCE2AI01845CM24C64M24C3212348765AVR347 harman/kardon129