October 2002n LOW "ON" RESISTANCE : 125Ω (Typ.)OVER 15V p.p SIGNAL-INPUT RANGE FORVDD - VEE = 15Vn HIGH "OFF" RESISTANCE : CHANNELLEAKAGE ± 100pA (Typ.) at V DD - V EE = 18Vn BINARY ADDRESS DECODING ON CHIPn HIGH DEGREE OF LINEARITY : < 0.5%DISTORTION TYP. at fIS = 1KHz, V IS = 5 V pp ,VDD - VSS > 10V, RL = 10KΩn VERY LOW QUIESCENT POWERDISSIPATION UNDER ALL DIGITALCONTROL INPUT AND SUPPLYCONDITIONS : 0.2 μW (Typ.)at VDD - V SS = V DD - V EE =10Vn MATCHED SWITCH CHARACTERISTICS :R ON = 5Ω (Typ.) FOR V DD - V EE = 15Vn WIDE RANGE OF DIGITAL AND ANALOGSIGNAL LEVELS : DIGITAL 3 to 20,ANALOG TO 20V p.p.n QUIESCENT CURRENT SPECIF. UP TO 20Vn 5V, 10V AND 15V PARAMETRIC RATINGSn INPUT LEAKAGE CURRENTII = 100nA (MAX) AT V DD = 18V TA = 25°Cn 100% TESTED FOR QUIESCENT CURRENTn MEETS ALL REQUIREMENTS OF JEDECJESD13B " STANDARD SPECIFICATIONSFOR DESCRIPTION OF B SERIES CMOSDEVICES"DESCRIPTIONThe HCF4053B is a monolithic integrated circuitfabricated in Metal Oxide Semiconductortechnology available in DIP and SOP packages.The HCF4053B analog multiplexer/demultiplexeris a digitally controlled analog switch having lowON impedance and very low OFF leakage current.This multiplexer circuit dissipate extremely lowquiescent power over the full VDD - VSS and V DD -VEE supply voltage range, independent of thelogic state of the control signals.When a logic "1" is present at the inhibit inputterminal all channel are off. This device is a triple2-channel multiplexer having three separatedigital control inputs, A, B, and C, and an inhibitinput. Each control input selects one of a pair ofchannels which are connected in a single poledouble-throw configuration.HCF4053BTRIPLE 2-CHANNELANALOG MULTIPLEXER/DEMULTIPLEXERPIN CONNECTIONORDER CODESPACKAGE TUBE T & RDIP HCF4053BEYSOP HCF4053BM1 HCF4053M013TRDIP SOPAVR347 harman/kardon171