11CautionIf the valve is closed when the pump isrunning the oil pressure can be increasedsufficiently so as to cause damage to theseals within the pump.The return oil should preferably bedischarged through an elbow onto a tankplate situated within the tank, this should bepositioned so as not to introduce air or airbubbles into the draw off pipe.2.5 Two pipe systemThis is used where the oil storage tank islower than the pump.Access for the fuel feed to the burner shouldbe via a suitable tapping made in the top ofthe tank, and the fuel feed pipe shouldextend to not less than 100mm above thebottom of the tank.A non return valve with a metal to metal seatshould be fitted, especially if the return pipework is terminated at a level above the drawoff tube. The non- return valve must beremovable for service and maintenancepurposes, and the return pipe from the pumpmust therefore be extended down into thetank to the same level as the suction pipe.The presence of a tamper proof isolatingvalve fitted within the return pipe is onlyrequired if there is a risk that oil will siphonout of the tank if the return pipe isdisconnected at the pump duringmaintenance or servicing and if the nonereturn valve has been omitted.2.6 Pressurised ring main systemThis system is used to supply a number ofunits from a common storage tank.A booster pump is used to provide thepressure to push the oil around the ring mainand back to the tank.Pressure reducing valves should be fittedon the delivery pipe to each heater toensure that the delivery pressure at theheater is less than 6 psi.CautionThe internal by-pass plug must be removedfrom the burner pump when used in apressurised ring main application.2.7 Pipe work and fittingsCautionGalvanised or plastic pipe work andfittings must not be used. (see BS 5410Part 1 1997)All joints must be sealed properly, ifnecessary using PTFE tape or otherapproved sealing media.The pipe work must be effectively sealed soas to prevent the ingress of air.It is advisable to check all pipe work prior toinstallation to ensure that there is no loosedebris or scale present.Black iron pipes can be hammered to assistin the removal of these contaminants.NoteThe oil feed to each heater must be fittedwith a fire check valve and isolating valve.The fire check valve must be operated byway of a fusible link positioned so that it isabove the burner.2.8 Electrical supplyWiring external to the cabinet heater must beinstalled in accordance with any local,national, and European regulations, as wellas meeting the appropriate requirements ofIEE regulations.The means of connection to the mainelectrical supply must allow for completeelectrical isolation of the heater, furthermore,in the case of a unit wired for a three phasesupply, the supply should only be used toserve the heater itself and no other plant orequipment. The position of the isolationswitch must be such that it is adjacent to theheater and easily accessible at all times. Inaddition, the isolator itself must have acontact separation of not less than 3mm.(asper BS5991 clause 20.2). The Control fuseratings are detailed on the appliance dataplate.WarningEnsure that the electric and oil supplies areturned off before any electrical work iscarried out on the heater.Ensure that wiring cannot make contact withany surfaces liable to be subject to hightemperatures or where the insulation of thewiring could be impaired as a result of suchcontact.