12All cabinet heaters must be earthed.CautionThe main electrical supply must not beswitched off or disconnected as a method forstopping the heater, the exception to this is inan emergency, or during servicing, when theheat exchanger has been allowed to coolsufficiently to prevent any damage fromoccurring. Claims for damage will not beconsidered if they have resulted fromincorrect wiring or the incorrect use of theheater.2.9 Air SupplyConsideration must be given to the provisionof air for the purposes of combustion andventilation of the heated space, plant room orenclosure where heaters are to be installedNoteIt is strongly recommended that BS 6230 :2005 is referred to for further informationconcerning ventilation requirementsWhere mechanical ventilation is used it is arequirement that the inlet is of themechanical type, and the outlet is eithermechanical or natural.Recommendations for guidance.2.9.1 Heaters installed within theheated spaceWhere heaters are installed within the spaceto be heated (I.e. not a plant room orenclosure )Combustion air or heater related ventilationairWill not be required ifThe design air change rate of the heatedspace is 0.5 air changes per hour or greaterThe design air change rate may be satisfiedby natural infiltration or by mechanicalventilationCombustion and General ventilationwill be required ifThe design air change rate of the heatedspace is less than 0.5 air changes per hourWhere the heated space has an air changerate of less than 0.5 air changes per hourthen it will be necessary to provide eithernatural ventilation openings to the heatedspace (section refers) or themechanical ventilation of the heated space(section refers) Natural Ventilation Openings tothe Heated SpaceIf the heated space design air change rate isless than 0.5 air changes per hour thenprovision for low level natural ventilationopenings will only be necessaryThe minimum free area of the low levelnatural ventilation opening shall be• 2cm2 for each kW of rated heat inputThe low level natural ventilation openingshould be situated on an external wall and bewithin 1000 mm of floor levelThe table below provides specific data foreach heater model as -Minimum Free Area ofventilation openingHigh Level Low Levelcm2 cm230 None 6435 None 7945 None 9760 None 12775 None 16090 None 193120 None 257135 None 291180 None 386200 None 460235 None 515285 None 623350 None 769380 None 847Model