16Provision must be made for thedisconnection of the flue for inspection andservice requirements, and it is stronglyadvised that where bends are fittedinspection covers are included.The materials from which the flue isconstructed must be non-combustible,resistant to internal and external corrosion,and be capable of withstanding the stressesand loadings associated with normal use.When designing the flue system theprevention of the formation and entrapmentof condensation must be a key consideration.Twin wall or insulated systems arerecommended, as they tend to inhibit theformation of condensates.Where condensation is likely trapsshould be included to encourage thecondensates to flow freely to a point fromwhich they may be released, preferably intoa gully.The condensate pipe from the flue tothe disposal point must be made fromcorrosion resistant pipe of not less than theinternal diameter of the drain pipe.Condensate must not be allowed to drainback to the heater as this can cause corrosionand premature failure of componentsIf the flue passes through a wall, ceiling, orroof made from combustible material then ithas to be sleeved so as to provide aminimum of a 25mm void between theexterior of the flue and the internal wall of thesleeve. The maximum permitted temperatureof any adjacent combustible material is 65oC.The position of the flue and its terminalshould be such that it does not impair thecombustion process.It should terminate in an exposed position soas to allow the escape and dissipation of fluegases without risk of their re-entering theproperty through windows, ventilation ports,etc. The flue should extend to at least 1mabove the height of any object within 3.5m ofthe terminal.Flue terminals should be fitted on all flues,the terminal must be of the approved type,and have outlet grilles on all sides giving atotal free area of at least double that of theflue.CautionIt is imperative that the flue should beproperly sealed where it passes through theroof, this can best beachieved by using the approved method ofroof flashing plate and cravat.NoteIt should be noted that claims made underwarranty and attributed to the ingress ofwater may not be considered especially if anapproved method of sealing has not beenused, or if the design of the flue has notmade provision for possible condensationproblems.3.0 InstallationIt is strongly advised that the installer readsSection 2 and Section 3 of this manual priorto starting any installation work.It is a requirement that only qualified andcompetent personnel may undertakeinstallation , commissioning , and servicing.WarningAlways ensure that the appropriate personalprotective equipment is used.3.1 Packaging/SitingThe heater will usually be supplied wrappedin heavy gauge polythene, non assembledparts will be supplied separately.Prior to installation, the assembly of theheater should be completed, it is advisablethat this is undertaken in the area where theheater is scheduled to be sited.CautionIt is strongly advised that when positioningthe heater the lifting eyes are used, therebyreducing the risk of inadvertent damagebeing occasioned to the heater.3.2 FlooringThe heater must be installed on a level non-combustible surface capable of supportingthe weight of the heater and any ancillaryequipment.