102Removals and Replacements for machine type 2193,2194, and 6345BEFORE REMOVING ANY FRU, POWER-OFF THECOMPUTER UNPLUG ALL POWER CORDS FROMELECTRICAL OUTLETS, THEN DISCONNECT ANYINTERCONNECTING CABLES.ATTENTION: The System board, processors, adapter cards,DIMMs, and upgrade processors can be damaged byelectrostatic discharge. Use an electrostatic discharge (ESD)strap to establish personal grounding. If you don’t have anESD strap, establish personal grounding by touching aground point with one hand before touching the static-sensitive FRUs.The Arrows in the removals and replacements proceduresshow the direction of movement to remove a field-replaceableunit (FRU), to turn a screw, or the direction to press a tab torelease the FRU.Begin all removals by removing the cover (and rear cover, ifapplicable). When other FRUs must be removed prior toremoving the failing FRU, they are listed at the top of thepage. Go to the removal procedure for each FRU listed.Remove the FRU, and then continue with the removal offailing FRU.To replace a FRU, reverse the removal procedure and followany notes that pertain to replacement.Before disconnecting any cables, note their location andorientation. Reinstall any new FRUs with cabling in theiroriginal location.