004v Turn off the server and all external devices.v Check all cables and power cords.v Set all display controls to the middle positions.v Turn on all external devices.v Turn on the server.v Check the operator information panel system-error LED; if it isflashing, check the light path diagnostics LEDs (see “Light pathdiagnostics” on page 60).v Check for the following correct responses:– A single beep.– Readable instructions on the main menu.DID YOU RECEIVE THE CORRECT RESPONSES?005 No. Find the failure symptom in “Problem isolation tables”; ifnecessary, see “Solving undetermined problems” on page 103.006 Yes. Run the diagnostic programs (see “Running the on-boarddiagnostic programs” on page 70).v If you receive an error, see “Diagnostic error codes” on page 71.v If the diagnostics programs were completed successfully and youstill suspect a problem, see “Solving undetermined problems” onpage 103.If the server does not turn on, see “Problem isolation tables.”Important: If the server has a baseboard management controller, clear the BMClog and system-event log after you resolve all conditions. This will turn off theinformation LED and LOG LED, if all conditions are resolved.(Trained service technicians only) Checkpoint codesCheckpoint codes give the check that was taking place at the time the systemstopped; they do not provide error codes or suggested replacement parts. Thecheckpoint display will indicate where the server has stopped without waiting for thevideo to initialize at each startup during problem isolation.There are two types of checkpoint codes: CPLD hardware checkpoint codes, andBIOS checkpoint codes. The BIOS checkpoint codes might change when the BIOScode is updated.The checkpoint display for the xSeries 366 is located on the I/O board.Checkpoint codes can be found at http://w3.pc.ibm.com/helpcenter/infotips/techinfo/MIGR-58350.html.Problem isolation tablesUse the problem isolation tables to find solutions to problems that have definitesymptoms.If you cannot find the problem in the error symptom charts, go to “Running theon-board diagnostic programs” on page 70 to test the server.If you have just added new software or a new option and the server is not working,use the following procedures before using the problem isolation tables:Chapter 2. Diagnostics 47