Modem information B-5Modem commandsThis section provides information on the modem commands if you operate yourmodem from the DOS prompt using the AT command strings.Executing commandsYour modem is in the Command Mode when powered-on and is ready to receiveand execute AT commands. The modem remains in the Command Mode until itmakes a connection with a remote modem. Commands may be sent to the modemfrom an attached terminal or a computer running a communication program.The modem is designed to operate at common DTE speeds ranging from 300 bpsto 115.2K bps. All commands and data must be issued to the modem using one ofthe valid DTE speeds.Command formatAll commands must begin with the AT prefix, followed by the command letter andended with the Enter key. Spaces are allowed in the command string to increasecommand readability but are ignored by the modem during command execution. Allcommands may be typed in either upper or lower case, but not mixed. A commandissued without any parameters is considered as specifying the same command witha parameter “0”.Example:ATL>Enter@This command causes your modem to lower its speaker volume.