Notes:1. Microprocessor sockets 3 and 4 are mounted on the microprocessor board withthe microprocessor-release levers on opposite sides. These sockets areoriented 180° from each other on the microprocessor board. Be sure to verifythe orientation of the socket before you install the microprocessor. The followingillustration shows the orientation of the microprocessor sockets.CPU1Fan 1VRM1VRM3VRM2VRM4Fan 2 Fan 3Fan 4 Fan 5 Fan 6CPU2CPU3CPU4MemoryCards1 2MemoryCards3 42. Microprocessor socket 2 must always contain either a heat-sink blank or amicroprocessor and heat sink.3. The microprocessor air-baffle must always be installed between microprocessorsocket 1 and socket 2.To install a microprocessor, complete the following steps:1. Read the safety information that begins on page v and “Installation guidelines”on page 28.2. Turn off the server and peripheral devices, and disconnect the power cordsand all external cables as necessary to replace the device.3. Remove the server cover and bezel (see “Removing the cover and bezel” onpage 30).Attention: When you handle static-sensitive devices, take precautions toavoid damage from static electricity. For details about handling these devices,see “Handling static-sensitive devices” on page 30.4. Loosen the captive screws and rotate the media hood to the fully openposition.52 IBM System x3850 M2 and System x3950 M2 Types 7141 and 7233: User’s Guide