Combining two blade servers into a scalable blade complex provides you withimplementation flexibility through FlexNode partitioning. Through the advancedmanagement module, you can implement the scalable blade complex as a singleserver or as two independent servers without changing the physical setup of theblade servers. For more information about scalable blade complexes andFlexNode partitioning, see “Working with a scalable blade complex” on page 13.v Light path diagnosticsLight path diagnostics provides light-emitting diodes (LEDs) to help youdiagnose problems. For more information, see the Problem Determination andService Guide.In addition, scalability indicators are available through the front bezel. Theseindicators enable you to tell whether BladeCenter HX5 blade servers areoperating independently or as a single hardware partition.v PCI ExpressPCI Express is a serial interface that is used for chip-to-chip interconnect andexpansion adapter interconnect. With the blade expansion connector, you canadd optional I/O and storage devices.v Power throttlingEach blade server is powered by two Enterprise Voltage Regulator-Down(EVRD) 11.0 voltage regulators. By enforcing a power policy known aspower-domain oversubscription, the BladeCenter chassis can share the powerload between two power modules to ensure sufficient power for each device inthe BladeCenter chassis. This policy is enforced when the initial power isapplied to the BladeCenter chassis or when a blade server is inserted into theBladeCenter chassis.The following settings for this policy are available:– Power module redundancy– Power module redundancy with blade throttling allowed– Basic power managementYou can configure and monitor the power environment by using the advancedmanagement module. For more information about configuring and using powerthrottling, see the Advanced Management Module User's Guide (available at, availability, and serviceability featuresThree of the most important features in server design are reliability, availability,and serviceability (RAS). These RAS features help to ensure the integrity of thedata that is stored in the blade server, the availability of the blade server when youneed it, and the ease with which you can diagnose and correct problems.The blade server has the following RAS features:v Customer upgrade of flash ROM-resident code and diagnosticsv Power policy 24-hour support centerv Vital product data (VPD) on memoryv Processor presence detectionv Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI)v Automatic server restart (ASR)v Built-in diagnostics using DSA Preboot, which is stored in integrated USBmemory.v Built in monitoring for temperature, voltage, and hard disk drives10 IBM BladeCenter HX5 Type 7873, 7872, 1910, and 1909: Installation and User's Guide