IBM® Carrier Grade Server X3650 TRevision 3.0100EmbeddedUSB deviceSysConDeviceConfig datafor thisSystem onDeviceSysConKeyConfigdata forsystemUUID onKeySysCon Feature Behaviorsettings data.* * * Present *At any time, the user may“Install” the SysCon Device – it will delete allthe syscon env data, including the user’ssaved config data.OR“Update” which retains the config data andreplaces the syscon env with a newer version.(Option is displayed only when current SysConversion differs from that of the source device.)Note: User may re-install their current SysConenvironment version, but they must first exportall config data to a SysCon Key, then “Install”the SysCon Device and re-import their configdata from the SysCon Key.18.2 Embedded USB device “Not Present”EmbeddedUSB deviceSysConDeviceConfigdata for“this”system onDeviceSysCon KeyConfigdata for“this”systemon KeySysCon Feature BehaviorNot present N/ASystem will enter the EFI Shell and display theshell prompt.If the user wants to disable the SysCon feature,the user must remove the EFI Boot Managerfrom the AMI BIOS boot list.Not Present N/A N/APresent NoSysCon will attempt to install the non-existentdevice and display error:“SysCon Device not found” or“System type does not support SysCon”18.3 Problem USB devicesNot all USB mass storage devices work in the EFI environment. A cursory pass/fail test was done with asampling of advertised USB devices to determine which products can be used and which ones should beavoided for use as a SysCon key. The following table is provided as a guide.Passed test Cyclone Flash Key 128 MB, Edge DiskGo 128 MB, PNY Attaché 512MB, Memorex Travel Drive256MB, SanDisk MiniCruzer 256 MB, SanDisk MicroCruzer 256 MBFailed test Sony MicroVault 256MB, MicroAdvantage Quick Drive 128 MBNot run Lexar Jump Drive Secure - disabled in EFINote: PNY and Memorex runs noticeably faster than Cyclone, or SanDisk MicroCruzer(slowest).