IBM® Carrier Grade Server X3650 TRevision 3.0205. Booting the SystemEach time the system is booted, the SysCon feature will extract the current system settings and savethem to the SysCon device. Once the current system settings are saved, the SysCon Device uses thepolicy settings to determine how to examine the system settings. This section describes the behavior ofthe SysCon feature whenever the default policy settings are in effect (see APPENDIX A – SysConEnvironment Folder Structure).On system boot, the SysCon device checks the “specified” folder for any user-specific settings.1) If user-specified settings are present, the SyCon device will:a) Configure the system using the user-specified settings.b) Move the user-specified settings from the “specified” folder to the “applied” folder.c) Capture the current system settings in the “current” folder of the SysCon Device.d) Copy the settings from “current” to the “saved” folder.e) Reboot the system.(See Creating System Settings Files for additional details).2) If user-specified settings are not present, the SysCon device will:a) Capture the current system settings in the “current” folder of the SysCon Device.b) Compare the current settings (in “current” folder) with previously-saved settings (in the “saved”folder). If settings are different, configure the system using using the saved settings and rebootthe system.The SysCon feature displays a message indicating that it is beginning its system configuration check. If asystem configuration action is required, the feature will display a message indication that reconfigurationis in progress. When reconfiguration is complete, the SysCon Pre-Boot Application displays a messagethat indicates that it is restarting the system with the updated settings.