IBM® Carrier Grade Server X3650 TRevision 3.074Parameter List XML element name of parameter Allowable values orformatimm:TelnetPort 1 – 65535imm:KVMConfigurationV001 imm:enableKVM true, falseimm: enableSNMP true, falseimm:SNMPConfigurationV001imm: UDPPort 1 – 65535bmccfg:SerialConnectionModeV001 ipmi15:ConnectionMode Modem, Directipmi15:ModemRingDuration 0-63ipmi15:ModemInitString Up to 32 charactersipmi15:ModemEscapeSequence Up to 4 charactersipmi15:ModemHangupSequence Up to 8 charactersipmi15:ModemDialCommand Up to 8 charactersbmccfg:ModemSettingsV001bmccfg:SystemPhoneNumber Numeric string of 32bytes. '.','-'and ''ipmi15:AlertSettingsV001 ipmi15:PageBlackoutInterval 0-255userNo (attribute) 0-4ipmi15:UserName Up to 16 charactersipmi15:Password Up to 16 charactersbmccfg:EncryptedPassword bmccfg encryption databmccfg:UserSettingsV001bmccfg:PasswordEncryptionId bmccfg encryption datachannelNo (attribute) 1,3,4ipmi15:enableUser true, falseipmi15:PrivilegeLevelLimit User, Operator, Adminbmccfg:enableTelnet true, falsebmccfg:ChannelAccessV001bmccfg:enableHTTP true, falseimm:SMTPConfigurationV001 Up to 64 charactersimm:SMTPSendingAddr Up to 64 charactersimm: SMTPReceivingAddr Up to 64 charactersimm:SMTPConfigurationEntryV001imm: SMTPSubjectLine Up to 64 characters15.3.3 Nic:NICV001 SettingsParameter List XML element name of parameter Allowable values or formatinstance (attribute) No. of the NIC or Dual Port NIC inthe systemdescription (attribute)Branding string found in theEERPOM for the Intel NetworkInterface ControllerNic:OptionsV001bios: MAC xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xxThe ‘Intel-NIC-eeupdate-V001’ parameter manages the MAC addresses for Intel Ethernetcontrollers. Because duplicate MAC addresses on a subnet can cause serious network problems, thecomponent is disabled by default. This component must be used with great care to ensure that duplicateMAC addresses do not appear on the same subnet. Using this component in conjunction with SysCon issafe as long as the there is no attempt to change the MAC addresses and no Intel NICs are added orremoved. The primary reason for including the component is to enable the transfer of MAC address to areplacement NIC or a replacement system. To enable the component to transfer MAC addresses to areplacement NIC or a replacement system, simply remove the XML comment lines around the