IBM® Carrier Grade Server X3650 TRevision 3.014Files\Intel\SysCon\device.” Next, execute the command script “startup.cmd.” If python.exe isnot in the search path, this script will fail. This may be remedied by running the command script“setpython.cmd”. If you want to format the USB device first you must stop the SysConMonitor service.The script will ask for the DOS drive letter to designate as the target device. If the SysConMonitorprocess is running, the scripts will detect the SysCon device and reinstall it.The SysConMonitor service is started after the installation is complete, remapping the installed device tothe SysCon directory.Note: The format option is not available when the device is mapped to the SysCon directory.3.2 LinuxThe Linux SysCon feature is contained in the RPM: syscon-*.i386.rpm. The following packages, whichare included with the Red Hat Linux distribution, must also be installed prior to installing the SysConutilities:• perl-libxml-enno.rpm (Red Hat distribution only)• net-snmp• net-snmp-utilsAdditional utilities required for full SysCon functionality are the ipmiutil package and the Telco AlarmsManager (TAM) package, both of which are available on the Resource CD.3.2.1 Installation Procedure1. Insert the Resource CD into the IBM® Carrier Grade Server X3650 T running an XFree86session.2. From the opening page, click on the “Additional Management Utilities” link in the left frame ofbrowser’s display.