© Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2014. All rights reserved. ixPrefaceIBM® NeXtScale System is a new, dense offering from IBM. It based on ourexperience with IBM iDataPlex® and IBM BladeCenter® with a tight focus onemerging and future client requirements. The IBM NeXtScale n1200 Enclosureand IBM NeXtScale nx360 M4 Compute Node are designed to optimize densityand performance within typical data center infrastructure limits.The 6U NeXtScale n1200 Enclosure fits in a standard 19-inch rack and up to 12compute nodes can be installed into the enclosure. With more computing powerper watt and the latest Intel Xeon processors, you can reduce costs whilemaintaining speed and availability.This IBM Redbooks® publication is for customers who want to understand andimplement an IBM NeXtScale System solution. It introduces the offering and theinnovations in its design, outlines its benefits, and positions it with other IBM x86servers. The book provides details about NeXtScale System components andthe supported options. It also provides rack and power planning considerationsand describes the ways that you can manage the system.AuthorsThis book was produced by a team of specialists from around the world workingat the IBM Taiwan Systems & Technology Lab (TSTL) in Taipei, Taiwan.David Watts is a Consulting IT Specialist at the IBM ITSOCenter in Raleigh. He manages residencies and producesIBM Redbooks® publications about hardware andsoftware topics that are related to IBM Flex System™, IBMSystem x®, and BladeCenter servers and associatedclient platforms. He authored over 250 books, papers, andProduct Guides. He holds a Bachelor of Engineeringdegree from the University of Queensland (Australia), andworked for IBM in the United States and Australia since1989. David is an IBM Certified IT Specialist, and amember of the IT Specialist Certification Review Board.