228 IBM NeXtScale System Planning and Implementation GuideTable 8-2 lists the optional add-ons to Platform LSF and to which versions eachadd-on applies to.Table 8-2 Optional add-ons to extend Platform LSFThe following add-ons are available to extend IBM Platform LSF: IBM Platform Application CenterIBM Platform Application Center provides a flexible, easy-to-use interface forcluster users and administrators. Available as an add-on module, it enablesusers to interact with intuitive, self-documenting standardized interfaces. IBM Platform RTMIBM Platform RTM is an operational dashboard that provides comprehensiveworkload monitoring, reporting, and management. Platform RTM provides acomplete, integrated monitoring facility that is designed specifically forPlatform LSF environments. IBM Platform License SchedulerIBM Platform License Scheduler enables license sharing between globalproject teams. It ensures that license availability is prioritized by workload,user and project, and that licenses are optimally used. IBM Platform AnalyticsIBM Platform Analytics is an advanced analysis and visualization tool foranalyzing massive amounts of IBM Platform LSF and IBM PlatformSymphony workload data. You can correlate job, resource, and license datafrom multiple clusters for data-driven decision making.LSF Add-ons Express Standard AdvancedIBM Platform Application Center Yes Yes YesIBM Platform RTM Yes Yes YesIBM Platform License Scheduler Yes Yes YesIBM Platform Analytics No Yes YesIBM Platform Process Manager No Yes YesIBM Platform Session Scheduler No Yes YesIBM Platform Dynamic Cluster No Yes Yes