M22: Cannot write to memory.M30: Cannot ARP TFTP address.M31: TFTP canceled by keystroke.M32: TFTP open timeout.M33: Unknown TFTP opcode.M34: TFTP read canceled by keystroke.M35: TFTP timeout.M38: Cannot open TFTP connection.M39: Cannot read from TFTP connection.M40: BOOTP canceled by keystroke.M40: DHCP canceled by keystroke.M41: BOOTP timeout.M41: DHCP timeout.M42: No client or server IP.M43: No bootfile name.M44: Cannot ARP redirected BOOTP server.M6f: System is locked! Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart.M90: Cannot initialize controller for multicast.M91: MTFTP canceled by keystroke.M92: MTFTP open timeout.M93: Unknown MTFTP opcode.M94: MTFTP read canceled by keystroke.M95: MTFTP timeout.M96: Cannot ARP MTFTP address.M98: Cannot open MTFTP connection.M99: Cannot read from MTFTP connection.Txx: Anmerkung: Der Wert x, der hinter den Fehlercodes steht, stellt ein alphanu-merisches Zeichen dar.90 Benutzerhandbuch