Check Procedures 59Memory001 - START• Power off the system unit.• Insert the diagnostics diskette into the diskettedrive.• Ensure that all RIMMs are installed correctly.• Power on the system unit.• Take note of any messages, error codes, orsymptoms.002 - DO YOU RECEIVE POST MEMORY ERRORMESSAGE? (YES, READ AHEAD. NO, GO TOSTEP003)• Enter Configuration/Setup Utility then reboot thesystem. Take note of any messages, error codes,or symptoms. If the error message remains, go tostep 005.003 -• Follow the screen instructions to run the Memorytest.004 - DOES THE MEMORY TEST COMPLETEWITHOUT AN ERROR? (YES, READ AHEAD. NO,GO TO STEP005)• The system memory is now functioning correctly.If you suspect an intermittent problem, run theMemory test again.• End.005 -• Replace each RIMM, one at a time, with a knownworking RIMM of the same size and type.• If the problem does not appear, it means that thelast RIMM replaced is defective. If all RIMMs onthe system board, have been replaced and theproblem remains, replace system board.• Go to step 001.NOTE: If system board has no memory installed, youwill hear L-L-S-S-S. (L: long beep, S: shortbeep) beeps during POST.