Error logsThe server generates up to three error logs:v The POST error log contains the three most recent error codes that weregenerated during POST.v The system-event/error log contains the complete log of POST error messagessince the last time you cleared the log. If an optional Remote Supervisor AdapterII SlimLine is installed, the system-event/error log also contains system errormessages from the Remote Supervisor Adapter II SlimLine.v The system-event log contains messages that were generated by the mini-BMCfor monitored events, such as a threshold that is reached or a device that fails.The system-event/error log and the system-event log are limited in size. When thesystem-event/error log is full, new entries overwrite older entries. When thesystem-event log is full, new entries will not overwrite existing entries; therefore, youmust periodically clear the log through the Configuration/Setup Utility program (themenu choices are described in the User’s Guide). When you are troubleshooting anerror, be sure to clear the system-event/error log and the system-event log so thatyou can find current errors more easily.Important: After you complete a repair or correct an error, clear the system-eventlog to turn off the system-error LED on the front of the server.Entries that are written to the system-event/error log and system-event log duringthe early phase of POST show an incorrect date and time as the default timestamp; however, the date and time are corrected as POST continues.Each log entry is displayed on its own page. To move from one entry to the next,use the Up Arrow and Down Arrow keys.You can view the contents of the POST error log, the system-event log, and thesystem-event/error log from the Configuration/Setup Utility program.When you are troubleshooting PCI Express slots, note that the error logs report thePCI Express buses numerically. The numerical assignments vary depending on theconfiguration. You can check the assignments by running the Configuration/SetupUtility program (see the User’s Guide for more information).Viewing error logs from the Configuration/Setup Utility programFor complete information about using the Configuration/Setup Utility program, seethe User’s Guide.To view the error logs, complete the following steps:1. Turn on the server.2. When the prompt Press F1 for Configuration/Setup is displayed, press F1. Ifyou have set both a power-on password and an administrator password, youmust type the administrator password to view the error logs.3. Use one of the following procedures:v To view the POST error log, select Error Logs, and then select POST ErrorLog.v To view the system-event/error log, select Error Logs, and then selectSystem Event/Error Log.v To view the system-event log, select Advanced Setup, select IPMI, and thenselect System Event Log.70 IBM System x3250 Types 4364, 4365, and 4366: Problem Determination and Service Guide