integrated (continued)network support 11integrated functions 7internal cable routing 32IP address, obtaining for Web interface 114IPMI 11JJP1 24JP6 24jumpers 24Kkeys 2LLEDs 14diagnostics 13DVD drive activity 15Ethernet link status 17Ethernet transmit/receive activity 17front of server 14hard disk drive activity 15hot-swap hard disk drive activity 15hot-swap hard disk drive status 15operator information panel 28power-supply 18power-supply detected problems 17rear of server 16system board 25system-error 15legacy operating systemrequirement 110Licenses and Attributions Documents 4Linux license agreement 4local area network (LAN) 11LSI Configuration Utilityoverview 116starting 116Mmanagement module, integrated 9management, system 9media door, open 50memory 6, 10two-DIMM-per-channel (2DPC) 80, 81memory mirroringdescription 84DIMM population sequence 85, 88memory moduleinstalling 79order of installation 86memory sparingdescription 87memory sparing mode 87menu choices in Setup utility 103microprocessor 6, 12heat sink 95installation 92type and installation information 90mirroring mode 84Nnetwork options 105noise emissions 7notes 4notes, important 124notices 123electronic emission 126FCC, Class A 126notices and statements 4Oobtaining IP address for Web interface 114onlinedocumentation 2publications 4openingpower-supply cage 55operating system 21operating system installationwith ServerGuide 111without ServerGuide 111operator informationpanel 28operator information panelcable routing 36optical drive 61optical drive power cable routing 32optionsinstalling 21order of installationhard disk drives 77order of installation, memory modules 86Pparticulate contamination 125passwordadministrator 108power-on 107passwords 107PCIextender card 23extender card slots 58slots 58portsEthernet 17serial 1 16USB, front 15USB, rear 17video 16powercontrol button 28features 19Index 133