Chapter 1. Introduction 3Notices used in this bookThis information product contains notices that relate to a specific topic. The Cautionand Danger notices also appear in the multilingual safety booklet that comes withyour IBM product. Each notice is numbered for easy reference to the correspondingnotices in the Safety Book on the xSeries Documentation CD.The notice definitions are as follows:• Notes: These notices provide important tips, guidance, or advice.• Attention: These notices indicate possible damage to programs, devices, or data.An attention notice is placed just before the instruction or situation in whichdamage could occur.• Caution: These notices indicate situations that can be potentially hazardous toyou. A caution notice is placed just before the description of a potentiallyhazardous procedure step or situation.• Danger: These notices indicate situations that can be potentially lethal orextremely hazardous to you. A danger notice is placed just before the descriptionof a potentially lethal or extremely hazardous procedure step or situation.Major components of the xSeries 350The orange color on components and labels in your server identifies hot-swap or hot-plug components. You can install or remove these components while the system isrunning, provided that your system is configured to support this function.The blue color on components and labels indicates touch points where a componentcan be gripped, a latch moved, and so on.Note: The illustrations in this document might differ slightly from your hardware.