Error Code/Symptom FRU/Action015-XXX-015(Failed USB ExternalLoopback test)1. Make sure parallel port is not disabled2. Re-run USB External Loopback test3. System Board015-XXX-198(USB device connectedduring USB test)1. Remove USB devices from USB1 and USB22. Re-run test3. System Board020-XXX-000(Failed PCI Interface test) 1. System Board030-XXX-000(Failed Internal SCSI interfacetest)1. System Board030-XXX-00N(Failed SCSI test on PCI slotN. Check system error logbefore replacing a FRU.)1. Adapter in Slot N035-XXX-099 1. No adapters were found.2. If adapter is installed re-check connection.035-XXX-S99(Failed RAID test on PCI slotS. S = number of failing PCIslot. Check System Error Logbefore replacing a FRU.)1. Adapter2. SCSI Backplane3. Cable035-XXX-SNN(Check System Error Logbefore replacing a FRU. S =number of failing PCI slot;NN = SCSI ID of failing fixeddisk.)1. Fixed Disk with SCSI ID NN on RAID adapter in PCI slot S.035-253-S99(RAID adapter initializationfailure)1. ServeRAID Adapter in slot S is not configured properly. Obtain the basic andextended configuration status and refer to the ServeRAID Hardware MaintenanceManual for more information.2. Cable3. Adapter075-XXX-000(Failed Power Supply test) 1. Power Supply089-XXX-001(Failed Microprocessor test) 1. Microprocessor180-XXX-003(Failed System Board LEDtest)1. System Board201-XXX-0NN(Failed Memory test, see″Memory Settings″ on page27.) NN = DIMM location.1. DIMM Location J1-J42. Memory card201-XXX-999(Multiple DIMM failure, seeerror text.)1. See error text for failing DIMMs202-XXX-001(Failed System Cache test) 1. Microprocessor CPU 1Symptom-to-FRU index 91