22HOW TO ADJUST THE CUSHIONING SYSTEMRemove the key from the console and unplug thepower cord. The treadmill features a cushioning sys-tem that reduces the impact as you walk or run on thetreadmill. To increase the firmness of the walking plat-form, step off the treadmill and slide the cushion ad-justers toward the front of the treadmill. To decreasethe firmness, slide the cushion adjusters toward theback of the treadmill. Note: Make sure that both ad-justers are set at the same firmness level. Thefaster you run on the treadmill, or the more youweigh, the firmer the walking platform should be.THE OPTIONAL CHEST PULSE SENSORAn optional chest pulse sensor offers hands-free oper-ation as it tracks your heart rate during your workouts.To purchase the optional chest pulse sensor, callthe telephone number on the front cover of thismanual.If you purchase the optional chest pulse sensor,follow the steps below to install the receiver in-cluded with the chest pulse sensor.1. Make sure that the power cord is unplugged.Remove the indicated #8 x 3/4" Screw (12) and theAccess Door (87) from the Console Base (93).2. Connect the wire on the receiver (A) to the indi-cated wire extending from the Console Base (93).Hold the receiver so that the small cylinder isoriented as shown and is facing the ConsoleBase. Attach the receiver to the plastic posts on theAccess Door (87) with the two included smallscrews.3. Make sure that no wires are pinched. Reattachthe Access Door (87) with the #8 x 3/4" Screw (12).Discard the other wires included with the receiver.A87SmallCylinder1293WiresSmallScrewsCushionAdjustorWalking PlatformIncreaseDecrease CushionAdjustor