IDS 1632 Installer Manual 700-256-02K Issued September 200925LOCATION 35 Second Loop Response TimeThe first and second loop response times are two preset delay periods that are initiated by the optionsselected in locations 1 to 32, sub-location 2, bit 5.Value Response Time Value Response Time0 6 ms 8 96 ms1 12 ms 9 108 ms2 24 ms (default) 10 120 ms3 36 ms 11 132 ms4 48 ms 12 144 ms5 60 ms 13 156 ms6 72 ms 14 168 ms7 48 ms 15 180 msLOCATION 36 Cross-Zone Delay TimerThis location defines the cross-zone delay timer period.Value Response Time0 3 seconds1 10 seconds2 15 seconds3 20 seconds (default)4 25 seconds5 30 seconds6 45 seconds7 1 MinuteLOCATION 37 Cross-Zone Count (Default = 2)If the panel is armed and the total number of violations of zones programmed as cross-zones reachesthis count within the time period programmed into location 36, an alarm condition will be registered.Program a value from [0] to [1] [5]. A [0] will disable this location. Program zones as cross-zones in sub-location 2 of locations 1 to 16. Any single zone enabled for cross zoning, which is violated continuouslyfor the time specified in Location 36 will also register an alarm condition.