PPC-5190 Flat Panel PCPage 6 Cloth - A piece of cloth is the best tool to use when rubbing up a component.Although paper towels or tissues can be used on most hardware as well, it isstill recommended that a piece of cloth is used to rub it. Water or rubbing alcohol – Moisten a piece of cloth a bit with some water orrubbing alcohol and rub it on the computer. Unknown solvents may be harmful to the plastics parts. Vacuum cleaner - Absorb the dust, dirt, hair, cigarette particles, and otherparticles out of a computer can be one of the best methods of cleaning acomputer. Over time these items can restrict the airflow in a computer andcause circuitry to corrode. Cotton swabs - Cotton swaps moistened with rubbing alcohol or water areexcellent tools for wiping hard to reach areas in the keyboard, mouse, andother locations. Foam swabs - Whenever possible it is better to use lint free swabs such asfoam swabs.ESD PRECAUTIONSObserve all conventional anti-ESD methods while handling the components containedwithin the LCD should the need arise for adding a functionality. The use of a groundedwrist strap and an anti-static work pad is recommended. Avoid dust and debris or otherstatic-accumulating materials in the work area.