385 MENU SCREENALE BER ThresholdThis item sets the Bit Error Ratio (BER) thresholdlevel from 0 to 48 bit for ALE communication quality.(default: 12)One unit consists of 48 bit data.ALE Golay ThresholdThis item sets the Golay threshold level from 0 to 3 bitfor ALE communication quality. (default: 3)The Golay consists of 12 bit original data and 12 bitcorrection data.ALE SilentThis item sets the ALE Silent mode ON or OFF.(default: OFF)When OFF is selected, the transceiver automaticallyanswers back if your station ID is called. Or when ONis selected the transceiver ignores the call.ALE LQA AverageThis item sets the adopting number of LQA data foraveraging from 1 to 8. (default: 8)ALE Error ThresholdThis item sets the Error threshold level from 0 to 4 forALE communication quality.(default: 0)When errors detected by BER threshold or Golaythreshold are over this setting, the communication isNG.ALE Call RetryThis item sets the retry times to 0 (OFF) to 99 whencalled station does not answer back. (default: 0)ALE LQA RequestThis item sets the LQA request function ON or OFF.(default: ON)When ON is selected, transceiver requests the calledstation to send LQA data with ALE answer back.D Admin Menu items (Continued)