274SELCALL/ALE OPERATION1234567891011121314151617 Quick ReferenceThe Stun call disables the specified station from eithertransmitting and receiving.• Sending a Stun callHold downq [ ] for 1 second to enter the Networkselection screen.Pushw [r] or [s] to select the desired Network, andthen push [ ].• The Networks that belong to the Open Selcall systemmust be selected.Pushe [r] or [s] to select the Call Type to “Stun.”• “Selective,” “Phone,” “Message,” “Send Position,” “Get Posi-tion,” “Get Status,” “Emergency,” “Channel Test” and “Stun”are selectable.The Get Status call is selectable in the Icom Selcall,and the Stun call is selectable in the Open Selcall.Push keypad to enter the Call ID, and then pushr[ ].• The previously entered Call ID is displayed.• Push [t](§) or [u](§§§) to move the cursor.• Push [8] to delete the digit to the left of the cursor.• This Call ID is not stored in the Call ID list.Push keypad to enter the specified station’s PINtCode, and then push [ ].• Push [t](§) or [u](§§§) to move the cursor.• Push [8] to delete the digit to the left of the cursor.Pushy [r] or [s] to select the Profile, then push[ ].Pushu [r] or [s] to select the Channel.• Only the channels that belong to the selected Network instep w, are displayed.• If desired, push [Tests](§§) to transmit the Channel Testcall in this step.Pushi [ ] to transmit the Stun call. The call is storedin the Call Out memory.• While calling, push [PTT] to cancel the call.Stun call (Only Open Selcall)D