488PRIORITY WATCH12345678910111213141516171819■ Priority watch typesWhile operating on a VFO frequency or scanning, the prioritywatch checks for signals on the set priority frequency every5 seconds. The transceiver has four priority watch types tosuit your needs.The watch resumes according to the selected scan resumesetting. See page 47 for details.NOTE: If the pocket beep function is activated, the trans-ceiver automatically selects the tone squelch/DTCSsquelch function when priority watch starts.D About priority beep functionWhen receiving a signal on the priority frequency, you can bealerted with beeps and a blink “S” icon. This function canbe activated when the priority watch function is turned ON.MEMORY/CALL CHANNEL WATCHWhile operating on a VFO fre-quency, priority watch checks fora signal on the selected channelevery 5 seconds.• A memory channel with skip infor-mation can be watched.MEMORY SCAN WATCHWhile operating on a VFO fre-quency, priority watch checksfor signals on each memorychannel in sequence.• The memory skip function and/ormemory bank scan is useful tospeed up the scan.VFO SCAN WATCHWhile scanning in the VFOmode, priority watch checks forsignals on the selected channelevery 5 seconds.5 secondsVFOfrequencyMemory(Call)channel5 secondsVFOfrequencySKIPMch 0Mch 1Mch 2Mch 2495 secondsVFOscanMemory(Call)channelVFO/MEMORY SCAN WATCHWhile scanning in the VFOmode, priority watch checks forsignals on each memory chan-nel in sequence.• The memory skip function and/ormemory bank scan is useful tospeed up the scan.5 secondsVFOscanSKIPMch 0Mch 1Mch 2Mch 249