629SET MODES12345678910111213141516171819D LCD contrast (CONT)Selects the LCD contrast. (default: Auto)• Auto : Sets the contrast to high. However, if the transceiver isexposed to high temperatures, it automatically sets thecontrast to low.• HI : Sets the contrast to high.• LO : Sets the contrast to low.D PTT lock (PTT LK)Turns the PTT lock function ON or OFF.To prevent accidental transmission, the transceiver has thePTT lock function. (default: OFF)D Busy lockout (LK OUT)Turns the busy lockout function ON or OFF.This function inhibits transmission while receiving a signal orwhen the squelch is open. (default: OFF)D Time-out timer (TOT)To prevent accidental prolonged transmission, the transceiverhas a time-out timer. This function cuts transmission OFFafter 1–30 min. of continuous transmission. This timer can becancelled. (default: 5)• OFF : The time-out timer is turned OFF.• 1 to 30 : The transmission is cut OFF after the set periodelapses.Approx. 10 seconds before the time-out timer is activated,the transceiver emits a beep tone as a warning.BE CAREFUL! The transceiver will become hot when thistime-out timer function is turned OFF or set to a long timeperiod, and transmission is made for long periods.D Squelch delay (SQL DL)Sets the squelch delay between short and long. The delayprevents the squelch from repeatedly opening and closingwhile receiving the same signal. (default: SHORt)• SHORt : Sets the squelch delay to short.• LOnG : Sets the squelch delay to long.