82PANEL DESCRIPTION12345678910111213141516171819y TONE INDICATOR➥ “ ” appears while the subaudible tone encoder is inuse. (p. 23)➥ “ ” appears while the tone (CTCSS) squelch functionis in use. (p. 39)➥ “ ” appears while the tone (DTCS) squelch function isin use. (p. 39)➥ “ ” appears with the “ ” or “ ” indicator while thepocket beep function (CTCSS or DTCS) is in use.(p. 41)u OUTPUT POWER INDICATOR (p. 19)➥ “L” appears when the low output power is selected.➥ “M” appears when the middle output power is selected.➥ “H” appears when high output power is selected.i KEY LOCK INDICATOR (p. 20)Appears when the key lock function is ON.o FUNCTION INDICATORAppears while a secondary function is being accessed.!0 AUTO POWER OFF INDICATOR (p. 52)Appears while the auto power OFF function is activated.!1 FREQUENCY READOUTShows operating frequency, channel number or channelnames, depending on display type (p. 20).!2 MEMORY CHANNEL INDICATOR (p. 26)➥ Shows the selected memory channel number.➥ “C” appears when the call channel is selected.!3 MEMORY MODE INDICATOR (p. 26)Appears while in memory mode or channel number indica-tion mode.!4 SKIP CHANNEL INDICATOR (p. 37)Appears when the selected memory channel is specifiedas a skip channel.