FAULT FINDINGmini HE --- Installation & Servicing 51Continued from page 50of fault findingContinued on page 52 offault findingEnsure the ignition electrode position and spark gaps are correct.Rectify or replace. Refer to frame 41.Is the ignition burnerpressure correct? Referto frame 27.noyesyesyesyesyesyesnonono no no noyesyes yesnoyesyes yesno no nono no no noyes yesyesnoContinued onpage 53 offault findingAre LED 1 and LED 3flashing with LED 2on, plus LED 4 on thefacia on?Is there 230Vat pin 101Brown onPCBconnectingharness atPCB #2?Replacefaulty PCB#1Repair orreplacefaulty wiringPress reset button. Isthere 230V across theBlack and Blue gasvalve connectionduring ignition?Rectify gas supplyfault.Is there > 17 mbar atthe gas valve inlet?Is there230V atBlack andBlue atgas valveharnessconnectoron PCB#2?Repair or replace faulty wiringIs there 230Vat pin 11Brown onPCBconnectingharness atPCB #1?Is there continuity ofoverheat thermostatwiring at PCBconnection?Has the main overheatthermostat operated?(Check continuity)Is fuse continuity O.K. on PCB #2?Is there a burnerpressure duringignition period?Replace faulty PCB #2ReplacefuseAre the ignitionleadsdisconnectedor damagedand sparkingto earth?Is a sparkvisible at theburner duringignition?Is there ignition at theburner?Replace faulty gasvalveAllow boiler to cooland press re ---setRepair or replacedamaged wiringAdjust ignition burnerpressureReplacefaultyelectrodeassy. Makeconnection.RectifyfaultyconnectionAre the ignitionleads correctlyconnected toPCB #2?Replacefaulty PCB #2Has the fluethermostat operated?(Press the thermostatreset button and/orCheck continuity)noyesAllow boiler to cooland press re ---setFAULT FINDING