If there is no sound from anyof the speakers:• Check that receiver/ampli-fier is on and a source isplaying.• Check that the poweredsubwoofer is plugged in,and is turned on (Powerswitch å pushed in).• Check all wires and con-nections between receiver/amplifier and speakers.Make sure all wires are con-nected. Make sure none ofthe speaker wires arefrayed, cut or punctured, ortouching each other.• Review proper operation ofyour receiver/amplifier.If there is no sound comingfrom one speaker:• Check the “Balance” controlon your receiver/amplifier.• Check all wires and con-nections between receiver/amplifier and speakers.Make sure all wires are con-nected. Make sure none ofthe speaker wires arefrayed, cut or punctured, ortouching each other.• In Dolby Digital or DTSmodes, make sure that thereceiver/processor is config-ured so that the speaker inquestion is enabled.• Turn off all electronicsand switch the speaker inquestion with one of theother speakers that is work-ing correctly. Turn every-thing back on, and deter-mine whether the problemhas followed the speaker, orhas remained in the samechannel. If the problem isin the same channel, thesource of the problemis most likely with yourreceiver or amplifier, andyou should consult theowner’s manual for thatproduct for further informa-tion. If the problem has fol-lowed the speaker, consultyour dealer for further assis-tance or, if that is not possi-ble, visit www.jbl.com.If there is no sound from thecenter speaker:• Check all wires and con-nections between receiver/amplifier and speaker. Makesure all wires are connected.Make sure none of thespeaker wires are frayed,cut or punctured, or touch-ing each other.• If your receiver/processoris set in Dolby Pro Logic mode,make sure the center speakeris not in phantom mode.• If your receiver/processoris set in one of the DolbyDigital or DTS modes, makesure the receiver/processoris configured so that thecenter speaker is enabled.If the system plays at lowvolumes but shuts off asvolume is increased:• Check all wires and con-nections between receiver/amplifier and speakers.Make sure all wires are con-nected. Make sure none ofthe speaker wires arefrayed, cut or punctured, ortouching each other.• If more than one pair ofmain speakers is being used,check the minimum imped-ance requirements of yourreceiver/amplifier.If there is low (or no) bassoutput:• Make sure the connectionsto the left and right “SpeakerInputs” have the correctpolarity (+ and –).• Make sure the subwooferis plugged into an activeelectrical outlet, and isturned on (Power switchå pushed in).• In Dolby Digital or DTSmodes, make sure yourreceiver/processor is config-ured so that the subwooferand LFE output are enabled.• Switch the Phase Switchç to the opposite position,and select the position thatresults in the most pleasingbass response.If there is no sound fromthe surround speakers:• Check all wires and con-nections between receiver/amplifier and speakers.Make sure all wires are con-nected. Make sure none ofthe speaker wires arefrayed, cut or punctured, ortouching each other.• Review proper operation ofyour receiver/amplifier andits surround sound features.• Make sure the movie orTV show you are watchingis recorded in a surroundsound mode. If it is not,check to see whether yourreceiver/amplifier has othersurround modes you may use.• In Dolby Digital or DTSmodes, make sure yourreceiver/processor is config-ured so that the surroundspeakers are enabled. Whenfive satellites are in use,remember to configure yourreceiver or processor for6.1-channel operation, andwhen six satellites are in use,configure your receiver orprocessor for 7.1 channels.• Review the operation ofyour DVD player and thejacket of your DVD to makesure that the DVD featuresthe desired Dolby Digital orDTS mode, and that youhave properly selected thatmode using both the DVDplayer’s menu and the DVDdisc’s menu.TROUBLESHOOTING11