7Important Safety Note:The customer is solelyresponsible for proper selec-tion of mounting hardwarenot included with the speak-ers, and for proper assemblyand installation of the wallbrackets, including but notlimited to the selection ofappropriate weight-bearingsupports and proper use ofthe bracket. JBL disclaimsany liability for the selectionof mounting hardwareand/or bracket installation.Be sure to follow thesebracket assembly and instal-lation instructions carefully.If you have any questions ordoubts about your ability tocorrectly wall-mount thespeakers, consult with yourauthorized JBL dealer orcustom installer.Prepare the speaker wire asdescribed on page 8, keepingthe (+) conductor to the leftand the (–) conductor to theright as you face the wall.Mount theattachmentplate into awood studon the wall,using three#10 pan-head woodscrews atleast oneinch long(not sup-plied).Make surethat all three screws aredriven into the stud and notinto drywall. If the bracketneeds to be mounted in dry-wall, the customer is respon-sible for selecting and usingappropriate wall anchors andscrews.Making sure topreserve theproper polarity(+ and –connec-tions), use thesuppliedtermi-nalwrench to loosen the red col-lar of the binding post untilthe pass-through hole under-neath it is revealed. Insert thebare end of the positive wirethrough the hole, then screwthe collar down until it is tight.Follow the same procedure toconnect the negative wire toits terminal.Carefully lower the speakeronto the bracket so that themounting bracketon the satelliteslides over thewall attachmentplate until themetal springclip engagesin the squarehole in theplate.†† Shown withoutspeaker attached to bolts.WALL-MOUNTINGATTACHING THE CRADLE TO THE CENTER SPEAKERImportant Safety Notes:•The CVCEN50 cradle is onlyintended for use with theCVCEN50 speaker. Attemptingto use the cradle with anyother model speaker isunsafe and may result inpersonal injury and damageto the equipment.•The cradle must be placedin a safe location, protectedfrom young children andpets who might topple it,possibly resulting in seriousinjury. Never place the cra-dle so that any part of it issticking out over the edgeof the table, shelf or othersurface underneath it.•If you intend to install theCVCEN50 speaker on topof the JBL Cinema Visionplasma television, do notuse the cradle. Instead,place it on the plasmascreen’s table stand, or,if the screen is mountedon the wall, mount theCVCEN50 on the wallabove or below the screen.Lower the CVCEN50 speakeronto the cradle so that itrests in the curved pedestal.The metal clip should fit overthe tab at the top of the cradle.††