15Control PanelThe Control Panel is easy to use with fingertip control of all the spa functions.Temperature ControlTo increase the temperature, turn the TemperatureControl Knob clockwise to the desired setting. Toreduce the temperature, turn the knob counter clock-wise.Function Control ButtonPress the Function Control Button once and the lowspeed pump will operate. Press the button again andboth the low speed pump and spa light will operate.Press the button a third time and the high speed pumpand spa light will operate. Press the button a fourth timeand the high speed pump will operate without the light.(The high speed pump will turn off automatically after 15minutes of operation.) Push the button again and thesystem will turn off.Filter CyclesYour spa will automatically filter itself for 2 hourstwice a day. During filtration, the low speed pump willactivate. The first filter cycle will begin one minute afterthe spa has been energized. The second cycle will begintwelve hours after the start of the first cycle.STATUS/HEATWARMSTATUS/HEATINDICATORCOOLFUNCTIONCONTROLBUTTONOFFLOWLOW / LTHIGH•••••••••••••••HIGH / LTTEMPERATURECONTROLKNOBOver Heat ProtectionIn the event the spa should overheat, the Status/Heat LED will flash and the spa will shut down. If thissituation occurs, turn off all power to the spa and contactyour dealer or service organization. To reset the spa,press the Function Control Button.Flow Switch DetectionIf the pressure switch malfunctions, the Status/HeatLED will flash. If this situation occurs, turn off all powerto the spa and contact your dealer or service organiza-tion.Open SensorIf either the high limit or water temperature sensorsmalfunction, the Status/Heat LED will flash. If thissituation occurs, turn off all power to the spa and contactyour dealer or service organization.The spa will automatically begin to operate when electrical power is applied. There is no ON/OFF switch for thespa system.The control system has been designed so that by connecting the spa to its properly grounded power source, itwill begin to operate. The Status/Heat LED will light briefly. The pump will activate if the temperature of the wateris less than 65°F.Alexa Control PanelOPERATION