Electrical PrecautionsCAUTION: Do NOT apply electrical power to the spaunless it is filled with water to the normal water level,which is approximately 7" below the spa rim (refer tolocation of water level indicator on face of skimmer). Ifthe spa’s motor/pumps are actuated when there is notsufficient water in the unit, the circulation pump could beirreparably damaged. Not heeding this caution willnullify the warranty. In addition to damaging the unit,operating the unit with insufficient water could cause afire.Do NOT locate lighting fixtures directly above thespa; lighting and electrical receptacles must be locatedat least 5 feet from the spa. Lighting located between 5and 10 feet from the spa must be on a circuit protectedby a GFCI. (Refer to National Electrical Code, 680-6.)Do NOT use electrically connected devices, such astelevision, radio, telephones, stereo speakers, light orcooking devices within 5 feet of the spa when the spa isbeing used.All fixed metal objects located within 5 feet of thespa, such as fence posts, railings, door frames, green-house structures, gutters, etc., must be attached to thebonding bar on the outside of the spa electrical cabinetusing #8 solid copper wire. With #8 solid copper wire,bond the spa to the house electrical panel or ap-proved local bond.An approved ground may be an 8 foot long groundrod, a plate electrode, or a buried metal water pipe withat least 10 feet of buried pipe. Check your local buildingcode for requirements. Bonding lugs are available atyour local electrical supply store. (Bond bar location isshown below.)Outdoor InstallationIf you install the spa outdoors, we recommend thatyou provide a concrete pad for it to rest on. To do this,construct forms for a 4" thick level pad. Install a #10gauge wire mesh 6" x 6" steel reinforced grid. Attach a#8 solid copper wire to the grid with a ground clamp. Thiswire should be long enough to reach the bond bar on thespa electrical cabinet (minimum 36"), but should NOT belocated under the base of the spa. Then pour theconcrete pad.Indoor InstallationWater that splashes on the floor during spa use maycause a walking hazard and/or structural damage. Gooddrainage must be provided and proper waterproof build-ing materials must be used in the area surrounding andbeneath the spa. Take into consideration that high roomhumidity will exist due to high spa water temperatures.Providing natural or forced ventilation of the room willhelp maintain comfort and minimize moisture damage tothe building. Jacuzzi Whirlpool Bath is not responsiblefor damages resulting from excess moisture or waterspillage. Consult an architect or engineer for aid indesigning your indoor installation.DrainageWhether you install your spa indoors or outdoors,you can drain it completely by attaching a garden hoseto the fill and drain valve located on the pan of the spa.Simply run the hose to the house sewer line or drain fieldand open the drain valve.Make sure the area surrounding the spa has gooddrainage to keep water from collecting at the base of thespa—especially near the equipment area. If drainage ispoor, install a drain line and/or gravel drain field. (Referto illustration below.)SUPPORT, DRAINAGE AND BONDING6WIREMESHGRIDGRAVEL DRAIN FIELD 4" THICK CONCRETE PADBOND BAR#8 BOND WIRE(TO LOCAL BOND)(SKIRTSREMOVED)ELECTRICALCABINETDRAIN/FILL VALVEINSTALLATION