Page 23ENGLISHJandy ® Pro Series, JXi ™ Gas-Fired Pool & Spa Heater | Installation & Operation Manualc Using the dimple to center the drillbit, drill a 1/4” diameter hole throughthe boss, taking care not to damage thesurrounding plastic threads.TIP: Drilling a 1/8″ diameter hole firstwill help prevent thread damage.d Each male connection should be firstwrapped in 5-6 turns of Tefl on® tape.e Assemble the threaded nipple,reducing bushing, elbow andpressure relief valve. Make sure thatall connections are snug. Do notovertighten.f The fi nal orientation of the pressurerelief valve (PRV) will have the dischargeopening facing away from the heatermanifold.g Wrap the open end of the nipple in 5-6turns of Tefl on tape.h Install the pressure relief valve assemblyat the heater manifold.i Make sure to get a sung fi t. Do not overtightenj The fi nal orientation of the pressure relief valveshould be vertically aligned with the discharge openingfacing away from the heater manifold.k Install a discharge pipe from the pressure relief valvedischarge opening to a safe area. This is a precautionto prevent the possibility of personal injury or propertydamage in the event scalding water is discharged fromthe pressure relief valve.l Install the discharge pipe so that there is notrapped or standing water in the piping. Dischargepiping must be facing down, terminating with athreadless nipple, no less than 6” from floor.• Discharge piping must be open with no reducersor shut-off valves or other restrictions.• To ensure the continued proper operation ofthe pressure relief valve, the valve should betested once a year. To test, lift the lever with thecirculation system running to ensure that waterwill pass through. When the lever is down, thereshould be no leaks from the outlet.5.6 Auxiliary Components, Chlorinators, Ozone Generators, and Sanitizing ChemicalsThe JXi heater is manufactured with materials thatare not compatible with high concentrations of ozone,chlorine, bromine, or other sanitizing chemicals.Heater damages caused by improper water chemistry orplumbing configurations are not covered by the ZodiacPool Systems, Inc. warranty. All questions should bedirected to technical support at 800.822.7933. Additionalinformation can be found at Be sure toadhere to the following:• All sanitation equipment is to be installed as the lastpiece of equipment in the circulation system.• When ozone is used, install a mixing degas chamber,to prevent ozone and air from entering the heater.• When chemical feeders are used, install an in-linecheck valve between the heater and the feeder.• Wire any electrical sanitation equipment so that itcannot operate unless the filter pump is running.• Always follow pool chemical manufacturer’sinstructions when adding chemicals to pool.ijklThreadless Discharge PipeGround Level6" Min.ghTeflon® TapeeefdPressure ReliefValve (PRV)ThreadedNippleReducingBushingElbowDischargeOpeningTeflon® Tape