Page 8 ENGLISH Nicheless Underwater LED Lights | Owner’s Manual NicheNicheless Underwater LED Lights | Owner’s Manual NicheWARNINGRISK OF ELECTRICAL SHOCK OR ELECTROCUTION,which could result in serious injury or death. A Ground FaultCircuit Interrupter (GFCI) must be provided for 120 Volt transformers.The conductors on the load side of the GFCI circuit shall not occupyconduit, boxes, or enclosures containing other conductors unless theadditional conductors are also protected by a GFCI. Refer to localcodes for complete details.WARNINGRISK OF ELECTRICAL SHOCK OR ELECTROCUTION,which could result in serious injury or death. The JandyPro Series Nicheless LED Lights are only available for 12-voltAC power. Use ONLY a 120VAC to 12 VAC step-down, class 2transformer which is NRTL-listed/certified for the application. Formore information about 12-volt installations, refer to Section 5 of thismanual.3.2 Wiring to a Time ClockThe Jandy Pro Series Nicheless LED Lights can be wired to a timeclock to operate the lights automatically.3.3 Wiring to a SwitchThe Jandy Pro Series Nicheless LED Lights can be wired into a switchto manually operate the lights. Refer to Figure 4 to connect the lightsinto the switch.AquaLink AuxBlackGFCI120 volts to12VACTransformerWhiteGroundLineNeutralGroundBlackBlackWhiteWhiteGreenRelay or SwitchWiring Jandy Pro Series Nicheless Underwater Lights4Figure 4. Wiring Jandy Pro Series Nicheless Underwater Lights