OperationOperating modes38 © Lutz-Jesco GmbH 2015BA-10221-02-V03Stepper Motor-driven Diaphragm Dosing Pump MAGDOS LK Operating InstructionsYou can configure parameters Strokes per pulse and Pulses perstroke at the same time to define an exact number of strokes for anumber of pulses. in this connection, the system determines the strokefrequency on a dynamic basis based on the time between the last twopulses.Example:If you set „7 strokes per pulse“ and „3 pulses per stroke“, the dosingpump carries out 7 strokes per 3 input pulses.OutputThe Output pulse input mode offers the following configuration options:Parameter ExplanationOutput Specifies the required output per pulse in ml. Theoutput is calculated from the dosing pump‘sstroke volume after calibration and the automati-cally calculated ratio of the number of strokes tothe number of pulses.The value that is displayed in brackets indicatesthe number of strokes and pulses (number ofstrokes/number of pulses).stroke buffer See „stroke buffer“ mode under “Strokes” onpage 36.Tab. 37: Output configuration modei The delivery capacity depends on the dosing pump‘s deliverypressure. To display the delivery capacity correctly, you mustcalibrate the dosing pump, see page 35.Water meterThe Water meter pulse input mode offers the following configurationoptions:Parameter ExplanationOutput Specifies the delivered output of the dosingpump per cubic metre (m3) throughflow of thewater meter in ml. The value corresponds to thethroughflow amount per pulse.Since the dosing pump only controls the outputvia the stroke frequency, you must set the cyclebetween the water meter pulse and the dosingpump‘s stroke.The value that is displayed in brackets indicatesthe number of strokes that must be triggeredper number of water meter pulses. (Number ofstrokes/number of pulses).Stroke buffer See „stroke buffer“ mode under “Strokes” onpage 36.ml/pulse Specifies the water meter‘s throughflowamount per pulse in ml.l/pulse Specifies the water meter‘s throughflowamount per pulse in l.m3/pulse Specifies the water meter‘s throughflowamount per pulse in m3.Maximum Specifies the water meter‘s maximumthroughflow amount in m3/hr.Tab. 38: Water meter configuration mode