GB - 70Error AssistanceDisplay COMBIVIS Val-ue MeaningPnA positioning not accessible 123The specified position cannot be reached within thepreset ramps. The abort of the positioning can be pro-grammed.POFF power off 78Depending on the programming of the function theinverter restarts automatically upon system recovery orafter a reset.POSI positioning 83 Positioning function active (F5-G).PrF prot. rot. for. 124 closed direction of rotation forwardPrr prot. rot. rev. 125 closed direction of rotation reverserAcc reverse acceleration 67 Acceleration with the adjusted ramp times in reversedirection of rotation.rcon reverse constant 69Acceleration / deceleration phase is completed and it isdriven with constant speed / frequency in forward direc-tion of rotation.rdEc reverse deceleration 68 It is stopped with the adjusted ramp times in reversedirection of rotation.rFP ready for positioning 121 The drive signals that it is ready to start the positioningprocess.SLL stall 71 This message is displayed if during constant operationthe load is limited to the adjusted current limit.SrA search for ref. active 81 Search for reference point approach active.SrF reference found 128 Reference point found (only special version)SSF speed search 74Speed search function active, that means that theinverter attempts to synchronize onto a running downmotor.STO ERROR safety 28Error in a function (monitored by the optional safetymodule). See safety manual 00F5N1S-K000Error "Error 28: safety function" can not be reset witha digital input. The error can only be reset when thefrequency inverter is switched off and on.STOP quick stop 79 The message is output if as response to a warning sig-nal the quick-stop function becomes active.Error MessagesE.Acc ERRORmaximum accel-eration 24 Maximum acceleration exceededE. br ERRORbrake 56Error: can occur in the case of switched on brake con-trol, ifthe load is below the minimum load level (Pn.43) atstart up or the absence of an engine phase was detect-edthe load is too high and the hardware current limit isreachedfurther on next side