GB - 23Parameter DescriptionDisplay MeaningUS_ro User read-only, programming inhibited, parameter can be read-onlyUS_on User on, programming enabledLb.02 Customer-specific passwordWith this parameter a customer-specific password can be defined. It becomes active at the next switch-on andmust then be entered before the programming of LB.01.Input Function11…65535 Input of passwordLb.03 Drive selectionWith this parameter the main lift drive is defined.When „Idata“ is indicated, the mode is unknown.Remedy: Select the requested mode with „up/down“ and confirm with „Enter“.Input Setting Motor Gearbox NotesAG x Asynchronous motor withWhen you press „ENTER“ all parametersare reset to factory setting.AGL Asynchronous motor noneSG Synchronous motor withSGL Synchronous motor noneShall be operated in open-loop mode, select LF.10 = 0.Lb.04 Positioning modeInput Setting Positioning mode0 off, conventional lift shaft encoding1 x Ogive function, dependent on LP.012 do not adjust3 do not adjust4 do not adjustLb.05 Setpoint selectionInput Setting Setpoint selection Direction of travel1 x binary-coded via terminal X2A.10…12 via terminal strip2 Input-coded via terminal X2A.10…12 via terminal strip3 Analog setpoint setting 0…10 V via terminal strip4 Analog setpoint setting 0…±10 V sign-dependent5 do not adjust6 input-coded and V L via terminal strip7 binary-coded without limits via terminal stripBinary-coded setpoint selection (Lb.05 = 1)Speed Bit 0 (terminal X2A.10) Bit 1 (terminal X2A.11) Bit 2 (terminal X2A.12)0 - - -VR (LF.20) 1 - -VL (LF.21) - 1 -VN (LF.22) 1 1 -VI (LF.23) - - 1V1 (LF.24) 1 - 1V2 (LF.25) - 1 1V3 (LF.26) 1 1 1